Libra Tuesday, January 13, 2015 You are painting your life using a - TopicsExpress


Libra Tuesday, January 13, 2015 You are painting your life using a very wide palette of feelings now. Youre attracted to new and different ways of having fun, even if you are judged for following your bliss. Unfortunately, people may see you as moodier than usual today, but establishing a spiritual practice can help to settle your erratic emotions. Silently build your case for whatever actions you are taking but dont say too much about your plans just yet. Instead of overplaying your hand, wait a few days until you find the answers within before sharing your ideas. A mysterious smile will say more than words. Singles Love Keep your inner drama queen at bay right now. The histrionics will scare that certain someone off. Your mantra? Fake it til you make it. Its okay to keep cool when your head feels like itll explode. Couples Love Youre quite the social superstar lately. You and your honey barely have time to rest, with all the places you go and people you meet. As long as youre having fun, dont stop! Flirt Your domestic situation might need a little fine-tuning to make sure all parties involved (including yourself, dont forget) are truly happy with the arrangements. Tackle it sooner rather than later. Finance - Money The world around you feels like its teeming with possibilities, and youre filled with a sense of hope and the infinite possibilities life offers you. All you have to do is reach out and grab it and its yours. Go for it, Libra. Career - Work Put off serious new career commitments until youve determined what your choices are. There may be more options later in the year, so dont jump the gun you have plenty of planning time ahead of you.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:00:54 +0000

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