Lies About Cholesterol We Believe as facts! Part - TopicsExpress


Lies About Cholesterol We Believe as facts! Part 2 Cholesterol Numbers and Their Meaning High serum cholesterol says nothing about how much cholesterol is in the tissues. As people begin to heal and correct their metabolic imbalances, the blood cholesterol may go up, because it’s leaving the tissues! Most people, including doctors, feel they need to immediately take action on “righting” the “numbers”, when they look at these “snap-shots” of a moving picture in the body. It’s not enough to look at the high and low numbers of LDL and HDL. The particle size of LDL cholesterol and the C-Reactive Protein (the protein found in the blood, the levels of which rise in response to inflammation) should also be checked. What does the particle size of the LDL tell us? A healthy LDL particle is big and fluffy – and as a result, it naturally flows through the system and is non-problematic. However, when the particle size is small and dense it doesn’t flow so smoothly and has a tendency to get stuck in the small gaps in the arteries where nutrition flows in. When this happens, like all things that are stagnant, it creates inflammation and the beginnings of atherosclerosis. Different Biochemistries, Different Metabolisms, Different Cholesterol Numbers The “cholesterol scam” initiated by the pharmaceutical companies ingrained the idea that a total cholesterol number of 200 needs immediate “action”: either a drug or/ and no saturated fat and cholesterol rich foods. Not only is a total cholesterol value greater than 200 not necessarily high, for many people it is normal and very important! Protein types as defined by the Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing often have values greater than 200 while being very healthy. These types thrive on a higher ratio of saturated fat and cholesterol containing foods. A Short Review Of Cholesterol’s Vital Functions In The Body And let’s not forget how vital cholesterol is! It was meant to exist in our bodies NOT to harm us, but to perform a wide variety of functions without which we couldn’t survive! Just a few of these are below: * Every single cell of our body is made from cholesterol * Cholesterol increases cell membrane integrity; it gives our cells necessary stiffness and stability * Every steroid hormone is made from cholesterol * The body’s ability to synthesize Vitamin D is dependent on cholesterol * Cholesterol is an antioxidant and free radical scavenger * The bile salts are made from cholesterol. Bile is vital for digestion and assimilation of fats in the diet as well as the Vitamin D absorption. * Our immune system needs cholesterol to repair damaged cells. (as it’s in the case of a surgery, cell damage due to toxic food and chemicals) * Aids the memory Note: Cholesterol was found to be the most important factor in the formation of synapses, the basis of our learning and memory. * The Brain contains 25% of the body’s cholesterol. Note: Cholesterol is abundant in the tissue of the brain and nervous system. Myelin, which covers nerve axons to help conduct the electrical impulses that make movement, sensation, thinking, learning, and remembering possible, is over one fifth cholesterol by weight. So my advice to all of you is start educating yourself about what cholesterol really means before you decide for the medication and for avoiding saturated fats and cholesterol rich foods. None of these will work. It will be like killing the messenger (cholesterol) for delivering you bad news. Cholesterol is a health-promoting substance. It is a critical component of cell membranes, the precursor to all steroid hormones, a precursor to vitamin D, and the limiting factor that brain cells need to make connections with one another called synapses, making it essential to learning and memory. Some of the most nutritious foods like egg yolks and liver are also the foods richest in cholesterol. The anti-fat, anti-cholesterol campaign has demonized these foods for decades without any evidence they cause disease. To the contrary, they promote health. Disclaimer: In regard to Cholesterol we agree with most of this research. This newsletter was written to educate people about how important Cholesterol is and the fact that it isn’t fighting against the body but is created in the liver to help the body in many ways! Sources: 1. Campbell-McBride, Natasha, MD. Cholesterol: Friend Or Foe? 2. Lundell, Dwight, MD. The Cholesterol Lie Exposed 3. McEvoy, Michael. Cholesterol Is Powerfully Anti-Inflammatory & Prevents Free Radical Activity 4. McEvoy, Michael. ‘Good’ & ‘Bad’ Cholesterol: No Such Thing 5. Schaff, Rick. An Open Letter on the Essentials of Understanding Cholesterol, Saturated Fats & Heart Disease 6. Taubes, Gary. The Soft Science of Dietary Fat 7. cholesterol-and-health/Memory-And-Cholesterol.html 8. cholesterol-and-health/cholesterol-and-health.html 9. raw-milk-facts/cholesterol_primer_T3.html
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 16:49:09 +0000

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