Life-Building Nuggets with pastor walu - Friday 24th October - TopicsExpress


Life-Building Nuggets with pastor walu - Friday 24th October 2014 May i begin by saying a Happy 50 years to mother Zambia. My hope and prayer is that we shall begin to step into new things moving forward. I pray that the challenges of the years past will not find expression in our future. Zambia is a country marked by such peace and stability. But this morning, as you celebrate jubilee, i want us to discuss your personal stability as an individual. I want to highlight some ideas that will help you to build stability into your life. HOW TO BUILD STABILITY IN YOUR LIFE 1. Stop wavering in purpose or intent. * Matters of purpose need total and resolute focus. * The best way to ensure stability is to stick to what you know to be your cause, and your purpose. * Refuse to be swayed to the left or to the right. * Stay on track. 2. Be steady in your actions. * Allow me to say that sometimes, a lack of seriousness in terms of our actions is what lands us into instability in life. * You cant continue to be irresponsible in life and expect to yield results that come as a result of a responsible lifestyle. * Your actions must be consistent with your principles. Otherwise there is no point in having principles. * Start today. Walk your talk, and then you can talk your walk in that order. 3. Be governed by a set of principles. * Stability is always governed by principle. * What are your convictions? * What do you stand for? * Clarity in terms of principle is vital when it comes to having stability. * Have a set of rules that will drive all your involvements and actions. Its the begining point of success. 4. Have undivided loyalties. * Loyal people are stable people. * I have total respect for people who know how to stick to their commitments. * You cant keep changing relationships, jobs, friends, churches and pastors. * If you want stability, learn to stick to commitments through thick and thin. * See things through. * Dont be a runner. Be a sticker. * Develop some stick-to-it-veness. * Stick to your marriage. Stick to your friends. Stick to your job. Stick to your pastor. Stick to your church. 5. Always be decided in mind. * Yet another way to build stability in your life is to always be decided in mind. * Your mind is very powerful, and creative. * But you can only tap into that mind ability when you are able to make decisions, but not just decision. Am talking about well thought out decisions. * When you have set goals and resolutions, see them through. * You may adjust your methods, and ideas, but stick to your end goal. 6. Govern your impulses. * Most people lack self control. * If they feel like getting drunk, they get drunk. * If they feel like sleeping around, they sleep around. * We all have impulses. * But as been said, what you dont master will master you. * The bad habit you are keeping alive is what will kill you. * Therefore if you want stability, embrace self-control. 7. Create and maintain a structured life style. * Accoutability systems in your life are a good idea. * Be answerable to someone. * Have a mentor. * Be a family person. * Have a stable business or job and be busy with it. * Have a sense of order in your life. * Watch your hangout, and watch your hook ups. * I personally avoid people who do nothing, go nowhere, and agree to anything. Such people are highly unstable. Good Morning. Pastor Walu Life coach/ Councellor/ Pastor/ Motivational speaker. _________________________ Contact: 0977 515773. Facebook: Ask to join Walubita Siyanga: the motivational speaker. Note: Feel free to share this motivational nugget with friends and loved ones. Send it to someone, tag someone, you might just change someones life forever.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:04:16 +0000

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