Life is a journey,a temporary journey. There is a time limit for - TopicsExpress


Life is a journey,a temporary journey. There is a time limit for every traveler in the journey of life. Stop counting the days and start making the days count. Remember every single day is minus a day in your journey of life. Either you choose to be happy or sad,life goes on. The clock will never stop tickling because of your situation in life. You are not a failure. Your present situation is not your final destination. Its just a temporary phrase in your journey of life. Problem and situation is never the same. Dont mistake one for another. Life is a mixture of sadness and joy. Some days will be bad while some days will be good. Both days are inevitable in our journey of life. Sometimes life or people will push you down,but how long you wanna remain on the floor is up to you. People might have screwed up your past or messed up your present,but no one can ruin your future if you take control. Always remember. No matter how horrible your past is,your future is still spotless. Never allow the sadness of the past to overcome the joy of the future. Stop blaming yourself for the mistakes of yesterday. Forgive yourself and move on with life. Some events of life are beyond being careful. Stop living a life of regrets,sorrow and blames. Everybody in life is fighting a war. Whoever says he has never lied before is lying again. There is no single soul without a problem in life. Some problems are visible while some cannot be seen. If all problems were made visible by GOD, some people will use gun to steal other problems and run away with it. Dont take life too serious and forget to live. Anyone without a life is dead alive. Try to do your best and then leave the rest for GOD. Whoever refused to rest will be laid to rest and people will tell him to Rest in Peace... Heritage®™2014..
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:11:49 +0000

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