Life is about change. Life is about growth. Life is about taking - TopicsExpress


Life is about change. Life is about growth. Life is about taking on more than you can handle, and when things quiet down, when everything settles, being able to look back at the more chaotic times and think I wouldnt want to do it again, but dear God, it was kind of fun.... Like highschool. Today is Thursday. For years Thursdays were my Monday, the first day of my work week. Today, is now my Saturday. Schedules change too when constants do. For four and a half years, I learned the tile patterns on the floors, the walls. I memorized how sunlight looked throughout the day, throughout the year, all four and a half years. Parc was my home away from home, as often work places become for us. We are as a part of a misshapen awkward family strung only together with employment under a similar roof, as we are in our own homes, sometimes nothing binding us together past a shared grandma. Life is change And for four and a half years, Parc was my anchor, remained the constant. In these walls, among these burgundy napkins Ive been held up at weak moments, scary times. Ive seen the death of friends and family. Ive seen the miracle of pregnancy and the honor of watching a womens belly bloom it to new life. Its was within the confines of a restaurant that I finally admitted I had a problem, that I was the problem. And Parc remained the constant. I got my life together here, I moved on from Unhealthy loves, and watched from the sidelines of other peoples lives as they too realized their own dreams and moved on to brighter futures where passion will always fight off the complacency of secure finances. And Parc has remained the constant. Ive waited on celebrities and been sworn at by regulars. Ive cut my hands open on wine glasses and laughed so hard I almost passed out. Ive worked 18 hour days and not worked for weeks on end, and In my absence, Parc remained the constant. Ive attempted college courses and moved 4 times, Ive met people from all over the world, waited on and more Importantly worked with men and women from across the globe, beautiful souls whom have now scattered as far as Maine and Texas. And Parc has remained the constant. Regardless if life is kicking my ass in the ring and Im not sure how many more blows I can endure, Parc Parc was always the constant. All too easy, with a place that large, can you loose your mind, grasp of reality, when focusing on the details of each moment, all the variables the overwhelming information the constant white noise. Take a step back in life, always take a step back and subtle patterns emerge, consistencies become clear. Consistency, however, can become common place, and complacent too easily Stagnation is deaths best weapon and the largest foe that life could ever dream of. And even in entering a place In life where insight is confusing and every day is bursting with opportunity for growth, Parc remained the constant. 4.5 years. Today, I unsubscribed to an email group that served to connect the 54 servers and 8 managers that have become like siblings to me, who have been my parents, my sponsors, my cheer leaders and my best friends. Today is different than most Thursdays. Because after all, Life is about change. Life is about growth. Life is about taking on more than you can handle, and when things quiet down, when everything settles, being able to look back at the more chaotic times and think I wouldnt want to do it again, but dear God, it was kind of fun.... Like Parc. It was such a pleasure being a part of that place for so long. I will be forever grateful to those walls and people that In looking back, held me together more than I could have them. Because Parc, Parc remains the constant.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:35:40 +0000

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