List of the crimes, Putin should be tried for, according to this - TopicsExpress


List of the crimes, Putin should be tried for, according to this article. I know, Google translate is not perfect, but its better than nothing: I appeal to you, retreat. If you opublikuesh his crimes , starting with the St. Petersburg period - killing the boy , whom you broke his neck in training at the institute , is not contrary to spar with him and not conflict , killings of businessmen and criminals in St. Petersburg, through its six coumarin ( Barsukov ) Tambov leader and father of the city of night (an important practice for the spent your career growth , as shown by further ); Kholodov Listeva on the bones of the last of which you entered the Kremlin in 1996 . Immediately - Deputy Manager of the President , as it was made to order yours tambovskie Berezovsky , and last , in the future , was forced to carry out all your instructions ( murder investigation Listeva now resumed in connection with an indication of the participation of Kumarin ) further murders and terrorist attacks in Moscow - first terrorist attacks on 11 and 12 July 1996 . the subway and trolley buses in Moscow - just like to settle in the administration - what was then unheard of in Moscow metro explosions never known since 1976 . (!) - and it was your know-how that you brought to the administration and gaining confidence Yeltsin , Berezovsky to help - at that time in order to accelerate the signing of peace with Chechnya , which you Chubais and Berezovsky was beneficial during Yeltsins election , and it was necessary to create a public opinion on the need for it in such a monstrous way , Moscow and intimidated by these neozhdannymi country , and the terrible terrorist attacks : even a small number of victims, but professionally executed dot Petrograd forces acting ensigns GRU forum in Tambov group. First subversive-terrorist operation administration - in the future, the 2000s , transformed you into the real field of subversive and terrorist acts of terrorism drill development center of its own people and kills iconic figures - with your participation has been achieved, that peace is signed, then all there was clear , including Yeltsin and Lebed , that guy does not miss you . Kills Starovojtovoj and Rokhlin in 1998 , clearing the way to the heart you Yeltsin : November 10, 2010 in Moscow, in the building of the bookstore Biblio-Globus , during the presentation of his book The Power of TNT. Chronicle of Tsar Boris . ( M. , Algorithm , 2010), former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Press and Information MN Poltoranin Russia , a longtime close ally of Yeltsin and one of the most knowledgeable people in the country , which became the first of the leaders of high political rank , who said truth about the situation in Russia and its true form of the current government , said : The decision of the murder , I know exactly taken the country in his inner circle four people - Yeltsin , Voloshin, Yumashev Dyachenko. Savostyanov like first charge , head of the Moscow FSB , but then stopped for security officer cold fish eyes , capable of everything. ( obosralis! ! killed once 02.07.98g . we sent a coded message to all regional offices (147) on the collection and financing arrival of 50 to 70 thousand retired military personnel in the form of (full uniforms, rations, cape ) to cordon 28.07.98g . Moscow Kremlin. No one would dare touch . Next Rokhlin two divisions - Tank and landing had to pull a military coup . Night after sending cryptograms , with 02 on 03.07.98g . Rokhlin was murdered by terrorists group Putin. The corpses of the three main performers literally burned immediately 500m . to testify , and the hero of the day without a tie in the same evening gave Zyuganov , who said that Rokhlin killed his wife , and it bytovuha - head only (!) faction of the State Duma , 20 April of the same year unanimously voted to remove Rokhlin as Chairman of the Committee the Defense of the State Duma , without which kill him after 2 months . , it would be much more problematic . kill deputy prime - it is not to kill the President of the Committee on Defence . ( gnida. . ) - auth. ) And it is hardly a coincidence that almost immediately after the murder of Rokhlin , the then head of the FSB Kovalev raised bed at night and in a hurry , just for 20 minutes , made in accordance with the Decree of the President delegate its authority to the newly appointed Putin . And it concerned the most powerful intelligence agencies in the world ! . For what services ? (Pomnimvse/394pb.html - full Transcript MN Poltoranina the presentation of his book) organization of militant attacks Basayev on Dagestan 02.08.99g . preparation for unleashing the Second Chechen as PR- stroke for the election you President ( negotiate with Basayev 04.07.99g Voloshin flew to Nice - the head of the Yeltsin administration Voloshin and Basayev . negotiate the invasion Basayev led Wahhabis in Dagestan with the aim of unleashing the Second Chechen and , in the wake of defense of the fatherland Putin , Russias president last election in 2000 . ( freeze-frame video , posted by Version , 04.07.2000 , Collusion - 2) bombings across the country and in Moscow in September 1999. , with the same purpose ; and unleashing the Second Chechen bombing of Grozny in that day as the September 23 have taken your people from the FSB of RDX in Ryazan, when trying to undermine the residential house arrest which Patrushev had to publicly admit to the whole country , and you, on the same day and stopped the further bombings already as prime minister and successor (as heir potentates in a banana republic , while Nemtsov and K. carry nonsense about democracy under Yeltsin ) assigned to both of these post Yeltsin August 9 , 1999 - immediately after the invasion Basayev into Dagestan - began bombing Grozny loosed from this day forward , for the sake of coming to power , the Second Chechen ; naive Sobchak , who had the imprudence to blurt out an official interview 17.02.2000g . , two days before his death , before flying to Kaliningrad, and a month before the election of the President of you , you could do it with family and oligarchs became president (still available on its the official website ) , after taking into account what love him Yeltsin and Chubais , whose Sobchak persistent diarrhea , or were you - either he ballast this friend from the past team Abramovich , Chubais and Yeltsin would lead you to the presidency, where required an absolute guarantee of safety and their family money (which Narusova said on the first day after the death of her husband , but her instantly silenced ) : it was your first kill in the political elite as the President , and the first in the second millennium - although not already in the first biography - the man under whose roof you entered politics , so in the second millennium you came without all the old tails , including his father and mother , as it is extremely suddenly died of cancer within six months in late 1998 and early to 1999 . - After the appointment of the director of the FSB you , and before the appointment of the Premier - perhaps many knew and could speak, or did not intend to remain silent if they interviewed , Single parents of public policy . Borovik 09.03.2000 , chief editor of the most informed and revelatory at the time of television and print media Top Secret and Version , a month before his death, had published an article about the bombings FSB in 1999 . , And is going to continue to engage in this issue , per week - about your pedophilia , and on the night of 6 to 7 March , in the TV program Anthropology , two days before death, mathematically you accurately described as worthless character , inflated oligarchs and favorite war acting ( acting president , whom you served from 01.01.2000 ), including the bombings - as despicable public relations campaign , invented unknown bloody genius election technologies - and its in Russian listened and heard .. ( dumps his wing plane that crashed from a height of 50 meters , apparently smeared liquid fuel oil , dissolving metal ( MIC development MoD 80s. ) , at the crash site and did not find , as cell phone records and Borovik , always were at it, so , apparently , no one of the nine were in the plane , falling from a low height is not alive ), the father can be proud of their son .. ; Kill the submarine Kursk submarine in favor of the agreement with the U.S. , and a series of many many political assassinations , all the next decade - to trample down the power and silence the unwanted , who knew that could expose, and simply would not silent, and his voice would be heard and important in the country - as S. Bodrov , unknowingly participated in your first election ( Daniel is our brother , Putin - our president ) , and has refused to participate in the second , 2004. , When your bestial face seen and understood all who can see and hear , that he begin to explain their position and say , would you fully pokoverkalo image, and he had access to the screen , unlike most that you cut from the media , and would not be silent , because his strength was - in truth . And his father is proud Son .. ; dozens of terrorist attacks with 2000go year , primarily in Moscow, as you have brought coined in 1996 . ; escalation of tensions in the war in Chechnya , at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent civilians and the military, dying all the time on the second Chechen to as terrorist attacks , detract from the high-profile political assassinations , extinguishing their resonance in the society , and of which , war can not be forgotten , and it s your fault , even for a second . Since coming into the presidency through terrorist acts , murder, and the war in Chechnya , your jerk , inflated oligarchs , according A.Borovika , so nothing more is invented ; then there was this dirty , bloody Pr- e, nothing brilliant , Artem mistaken . Originally there was one killer logic , one gyrus - so she stayed in you all these years : - Swan ; Ushenkov , Schekochikhin Politkovskaya , Litvinenko , generals - Troshev K.Petrov (more kills circumstances and reasons , the description of terrorist attacks to cover them in Moscow - in chapter 2 below). - If you yourself describe in detail all of this to you and so life will go correspondents and commentators of all editions of the world for the next 20 years you will become the most popular man on the earth , and mankind will not forget it is never - ie youve made your point . You do not have to make any effort already facing you this daily , psychological stress convict , leveling any joy of all that you have - hundreds of billions , palaces, and even children - fun fast running out , and every day from morning to evening you spend in the psychological grinder for you in public communication to the person who you are not. Here you can relax and be yourself - just to talk about their murders, each in his own way , whenever you want , and maybe when you do not want - to pause . Then talk again with their natural emotions , what you get pleasure, as it lived in the depths of yourself - be yourself and get great pleasure from this , believe me, as getting ALL serial killers finally smogshie confess it and talk about it as much as they please . In your case it will be more public and not just lie in the secret archives of the case - its rabid , INCREDIBLE glory which reached unity on earth, and I doubt , because Hitler did not say anything , disappeared, and would have been caught - quickly executed. Now just as a person and trampled , as a person , almost forgotten . You can tell EVERYTHING we have a moratorium on the death penalty , if ordered to surrender their own. Ceausescu did not, and look what happened to him. Peoples anger is irrational , its like magma , and when it flows , you will not be able to manage anything , and youre so used to it . Surrender , and then you will manage the events , and they are not you. And youll stay alive. And the whole world will be listening to you for years, its unbelievable that you could do. You achieved everything he wanted - fame, interest in itself , it is absolutely shocking life. Whether is easier to relax now and just tell ? , . write this in detail in the blog , as now, a blog in LJ , I appeal to you? .. Fleeing after this , wait, when they arrested you all of the persons involved , to promote this terror - Chubais Abramovich FAMILY ( Dyachenko, Yumashev Voloshin ) Patrushev , Gref , Kudrin and dozens of other small figures come adequate power in which all mentioned will have to continue to speak frankly and publicly through the media and tell the records of all directly committed by them jointly with you crimes over the past 20 years , since the time of St. Petersburg - it will be provided after your confession, you can be sure - not one sentence or one helper will not escape public lighting, and then you can surrender without fear elimination, as a carrier of information , because it all has to be disclosed , and - quietly life , you can write and tell , in detail , the story of his life , as well as other books . without straining psychological , and any problems. Putin , in power this year you will not outlive . Past - was the last . So there were the stars , and you know yourself , the power went off . Yu.Geyko is perfectly laid out in an open letter to his , and your friend Yumasheva silent before 15 years (oldfisher-mk.livejournal/60843.html), only a naive journalist thinks Yumashev that controls you. I m offering you the most perfect , the most compromise option for your psyche and personality . Your family , only the closest - his wife, who now , though, knowing all this , turned away from you, the children will be guaranteed steel , untouchable security, and a modest but solid lifetime supply . You will not return them , they are now - not with you , but at least they will be able to FORGIVE . Especially since youre sick , and God knows who and what falls such a disease . Now is the time to surrender voluntarily , so that you can continue to live and to confess in detail .. And this story is very, very essential humanity. When the whiff of fried on orders FAMILY ll just kill as unnecessary witness, and all the threads to hundreds, thousands bastards will be forever cut off, or will be very scarce , and we know full information about the past two huge eras - the 2000s and 90s .. Did the only good thing on which you are capable and able right now - go away , and GIVE FULL DESCRIPTION TOTAL , what are you doing all these years. Waiting for you at the revelation of your soul .. And the world is also, of course , waiting .. We await Alexander Morozov, Former Deputy General L.Rohlina the Movement In support of the Army ..
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 06:20:00 +0000

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