Listen to this video VERY CAREFULLY and pay attention to Obamas - TopicsExpress


Listen to this video VERY CAREFULLY and pay attention to Obamas statement in the first 5 seconds of the clip... He said ...And for the international order that we have worked for generations to build. and then ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs. REALLY? Is it implied that men like him are bigger minded and can do so much better than us ordinary folk? I dont know how much more proof that we the people need in order to see that this New International (World) Order is NOT a new thing that is just now being concocted or discussed, but has actually been in the active works for generations now! The war is already here and not many have seen it, believed it or even resisted it up until now... and since it is so openly acknowledged, will they NOW realize their precarious situation and fight it? Judging by all of the smiling and nodding heads in THAT crowd, Im not too hopeful, but we shall see.... If you still cant believe it just listen to Obamas statement in the first 5 seconds of this video again and ask yourself, What is he talking about here? It can be proven factually that they have slowly and steadily been whittling away at our nation, our rights, and our value system to bleed it for all its worth and to shape it to serve their purposes and they have done so purposefully, and systematically... solely for the purpose launching their brain child.. the New International (or World) Order which they have designed to be a sovereignty... one ruler over the whole planet.. or most of it anyway. This can no longer be called just a wacko conspiracy theory unless of course you believe Obama is a conspiracy theorist. Turn off his words and just look at his actions, he has shown his cooperation with this plan right from the beginning. The war is already here, most Americans are just to stubborn to believe it, or would rather stay in denial out of their desire for comfort. The Left/Right paradigm is just a smokescreen to keep peoples attention off the real ruling party behind the scenes. So, now the biggest question remains to be answered... just who are they? There is more evidence than you probably think... if youre not afraid to look for it.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:00:08 +0000

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