Listen to what Putin is saying, listen very carefully and find its - TopicsExpress


Listen to what Putin is saying, listen very carefully and find its true meaning. To those who would believe that the MSM says, again, exactly what has our news sources said in the recent past, say the last 50 years (that later proved to be false or at least mostly so ) that history has shown to be less has been truthful? For those who believe that the soldiers that secured the Russian Naval base were Russian soldiers with no insignias ( meaning- lack of any Russian patches on their uniforms, were Russian troops, as to conceal whom they were) , to the contrary, they were most certainly Crimean military troops who defected and put on Russian supplied non- patched uniforms, which begs the question, why would they change sides ? Seemingly, because they recognize a U.S, Western backed, Zionist World Bank takeover when they see it. Come on folks, we all know at that the World Banking institutions are RAPEING ALL COUNTRIES NATIONAL BANKING INSTITUTIONS , so what KOOLAID does one have to be drinking to somehow TRUST to believe that they NOW ALL OF THE SUDDEN HAVE SEEN THE ERRORS OF THIER WAYS, SOMEHOW THIS SHADOW ENTITY HAS GOT THE WORLDS BEST INTEREST AT HEART? REALLY? Please tell me that the ( UNINFORMED OR THE BLINDLY BRAINWASHED) U.S population hasnt failed to see through the blatent smoke and mirrors that only the uniformed could possibly swallow the B.S that spews from those whom always need to confuse and lie, in order to perpetuate the con. Word to the wise, get your info from sources that DO NOT ORIGINATE FROM THE LAME STREAM MEDIA, news sources from other countries that are not beholding to Western Media ( ZIONIST OWNED- WESTERN BASED), Again, REPEAT, news sources that do not have a false narrative to sell. For those whom are not aware, I was in the retail car sales industry for 15 years in both sales and management ,( Ive seen it all, both good and bad) and for those who knew me well, both customers, fellow salesman and those under me, I never had to LIE to make a living and further more those I managed were made sure to know, that they also were to be fair and ethical in our dealings with John & Jane Q public, It was in my name that how we did business and I (we) did not need to resort to such tactics in order to make a living, may not have caught all of dealings that may have been less than truthful, however I tried, and most importantly to me, never once in all those years ( multiple 1000s of customers) ever once did one client accuse me of being sly. Not a saint, far from it, however I did and could look one in the eye and most importantly, I SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT, so in closing, I can see, smell or hear a CON, and JUST AS IMPORTANTLY, I DO MY OWN LOOKING INTO , NEVER BUY WHAT SOMEBODY, WHO SELLS A SEEINGLY HARD TO BELIEVE NARRATIVE, CAUSE IN REALITY, THEY NEED TO HARD SELL THE BULLSHIT THEY ARE PEDDLING! ONLY A FOOL OR THE MISINFORMED GET TAKEN, SO WHOM ARE WE (YOU), A FOOL OR PERHAPS ( PLEASE, FOR THE HOPE FOR US ALL) THE SELF INFORMED WHOM KNOWS CRAP WHEN THEY SMELL IT? HEY, NOBODYS PERFECT, W ALL STEP IN DOG POOH EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE, THE TRICK IS REALIZE IT BEFORE WE TRACK IT INTO OUR HOUSES!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 20:48:20 +0000

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