Listen up humans, y’all in trouble Unless you pull your heads - TopicsExpress


Listen up humans, y’all in trouble Unless you pull your heads out of the bubble. There’s a battle for your minds takin’ place. The goal – depopulation of the human race. Kidnapping us from our deepest truth and leading us towards man made laws. That say murder is good and sound, long as you STAND YOUR GROUND. Into the media, they push this thinking, who repeat it as gospel, without even blinking. Lawyers liberals and goo ol’ boys flapping away, just making noise Telling us how to think about what we just witnessed. Stirring the pot for more mental sickness. Self defense, racism, right to bear arms Blah, blah blah I’m right, you’re wrong. Different day, same song. But I know Trayvon and I know George They are everywhere in different forms. As fear and suspicion, authoritative jurisdiction, Lost communication, pride and indignation. As ignorance, violence and hate. Is that all we choose to create? Little guns follow big guns It’s all the same Pitting man against man, nation against nation Until we destroy an entire population. So before you start thinking, about standing your ground, because research has found and the law shows, if you get punched in the nose That it is within your right To not admit, I lost a fight But pull out a gun and take the life of another one. Know this all cowards, who live by this creed. And let bullets settle Everything disputable. The Laws of the Universe are immutable. You are watched by a Higher Court and a Supreme Judge. The verdict is in. HARM NO LIVING BEING!!! NEWS FLASH- ALL MURDER IS WRONG!! So do not be led by societal norms or leaders disguised to hide the Devil’s form. They are liars and spyers who have run afoul and know nothing of Truth. We as a people must dig deep. Past the insecurity, past the fear, and the righteous hate. Tuning out the unending debate Past our pain to a silence deep in the heart. A softer place of compassion and grace. To the only truth. Sent down through the Sages, in all of Earth’s Ages. That WE ARE ALL ONE “So as you do unto each other, so it is you do unto yourself” So if you think that man you just killed. brought only discussion, and that village you bombed without repercussion has left you emboldened, your fate left to slide. You are unaware of your own suicide. Wake up Humans- it’s time to stop killing each other. That’s exactly what they want. Enhanced by Zemant
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 11:23:33 +0000

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