Listening to Obama truly is equivalent to listening to a - TopicsExpress


Listening to Obama truly is equivalent to listening to a compulsive liar. Im so sick and tired of him blaming Republicans in Congress. The fault is Harry Reids for all you Low Information Democrat Voters who are severely clueless. Harry Reid is the Senate Majority Leader. So EVERY time the House passes a Bill, Harry Reid takes a massive dump on it. And then he has the gall to try and shove some Liberal Progressive garbage legislation down the Houses throats. Everyone with half a brain knows the Founding Fathers checks and balances gives the House the lead in writing laws and the Senates SOLE purpose is to debate the House bill and then either pass it or send it back to the House to hammer out some minor corrections. The FFs did not establish the Senate to write and propose laws but to debate those passed by the House. Unfortunately 85% of American voters dont even know who Harry Reid is or how many Senators are even in Congress. So sad.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 22:35:38 +0000

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