Literally in tears right now... Driving home from work and i had - TopicsExpress


Literally in tears right now... Driving home from work and i had my two American flags flyin in my truck. Well i came up to a stop sign (and about 100 ft from said stop sign there is a bar with a bench seat out front facing the road for smokers to sit on). Well im slowly approaching the stop sign, wait for one car ahead of me to go. Then i go, but as i begin putting my truck in 1st gear i notice an older gentleman sitting on said bench... He is attempting to stand up. He had the veterans cap on and everything. I didnt even take my truck out of first gear... I just slowly rolled along as another patron of the bar helped this gentleman to his feet. What does he do next??? He slaps those feet together, straightens his back out, and salutes the shit out my flags. Stood there (a man who 4 seconds earlier could hardly stand on his own) was standing there solid as a god damn oak tree, at attention while i passed... at this point, i NEED to shake this mans hand. I know memorial day is about those who have given their lives for this wonderful country... But to me, any and every day i am thankful for each and every military man and woman. To make a long story short, i stopped and shook this mans hand Who was now back in his frail elderly state and not the absolute badass of a former marine state that he was in a few moments earlier. I had tears rolling down my cheek as i told this gentleman that i absolutely envy him and every other service man and woman. He said son as he started to tear up as well it makes me so happy that at least of few of you young guys from this generation are still thankful for all that my brothers and i had to give, had to see, had to endure... He wiped a tear from his eye and said it seems that this new generation is oblivious to all we do and all we did... Granted, im no hero... But its good to see young men like you acknowledging us... Son, you would make one HELL of a marine. I literally could say nothing... I was speechless. I stared into this mans old, weathered, wrinkled, soft blue eyes and the tears streamed out.... All i could say was thank you and all your brothers and sisters for all you have given me sir and with that i pulled my handkerchief out, told him to have a wonderful day, dried my eyes, and walked back to my truck... The image of that frail old man, suddenly coming to attention and for some reason not being frail anymore will not leave my mind for a very long time... Nor will the look in his eyes. The genuine excitement he had because someone as young as i, was being patriotic and showing respect not only to my elders but to veterans... Im like a white girl right now... I literally just cant even... Wow, just wow.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 21:05:56 +0000

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