Litter box training help wanted! I have had my ratties for 3.5 - TopicsExpress


Litter box training help wanted! I have had my ratties for 3.5 weeks now. They were born on July 30th and I adopted them on August 31st from a local breeder. They have been in my kindergarten classroom for 1 week now. Both are males - Cookie Crumb and Dotty - one standard black hooded, one dumbo black hooded. I have been trying to litter train them since I adopted them. The bottom on my Petco Rat Manor is lined with fleece, with a bath towel underneath (folded into thirds), and in the corner, I have a plastic container with Carefresh bedding inside. There is a large rock for peeing on, and I have been dutifully collecting and moving their poops into the box a few times a day. They do use it every once in awhile - my students are determined that the ratties learn to use the litterbox and let me know every time they use it so we can give them a Rice Krispie - but the vast majority of their bathroom output is happening on the fleece itself, or occasionally on the shelves (it drips down or drops from the shelves and ends up on the fleece too). So - 3 weeks of training, following all the tips I can find - and they use it just a few times a day. The only thing theyve really seemed to learn was not my true intention - Dotty (the one on the right) takes his food to eat in the litter box now! I think he thinks thats where hes supposed to eat because every time I find him in the litter box I give him a Rice Krispie... Their favorite treat is Rice Krispies; second to that is kale or strawberries. I have used all three (as well as raisins, goldfish, and corn flakes) as rewards when working on litter training with them. Advice????
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:22:35 +0000

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