Livefeed Ufic Service Update Sunday 9 June 2013 Title: Why It - TopicsExpress


Livefeed Ufic Service Update Sunday 9 June 2013 Title: Why It Happens To You When You Have A Prophet. 2Kings 6v1-7 And the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha, Behold now, the place where we dwell with thee is too strait for us. Let us go, we pray thee, unto Jordan, and take thence every man a beam, and let us make us a place there, where we may dwell. And he answered, Go ye. And one said, Be content, I pray thee, and go with thy servants. And he answered, I will go. So he went with them. And when they came to Jordan, they cut down wood. But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed. And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim. Therefore said he, “Take it up to thee”. And he put out his hand, and took it. -Elisha’s ministry was a unique one from the onset. When Elijah was about to retire he was asked by God to anoint 3 men before he retires. But Elijah did not complete this task instead he anointed Elisha who then completed his mission for him. When Elisha anointed Hazael he was in tears, it was a task from God yet he completed it crying. The reason being that the times in which Israel was going to go through because of Hazael were going to be difficult times. When your time is up for your blessing to come upon you the prophet has a prophetic eye to see what shall become of you because of that blessing. He might even see if the blessing is going to build or to destroy you. When your time is up a prophet can deliver your blessing but make sure that he does not do it in tears, it must always be your prayer to God that a blessing will not destroy you. -During the time of Elijah there were sons of the prophets who were there in colleges but God did not look for Elijah’s successor from these colleges, God saw that the revival that was to come needed a greater man than these guys in colleges, therefore He had to look elsewhere. There are many people who preach the word of God but there are very few whom we can compare to Prophet Makandiwa in terms of integrity. A certain man was preaching on a certain TV channel and he was bragging that he was the only major prophet in Africa, it’s not difficult to get gifts but it is very difficult to have a reputable character. -When Elisha was called by Elijah he set his heart on following him despite what people said to him. Some said you shall come back in 3 months because the church that you have decided to leave you cannot leave it forever but Elisha never came back. Apart from the jacket which Elijah left for Elisha he also left for him bible colleges. There is a time when Elisha went to Gilgal at a college for the sons of the prophets and there was hunger in that city. One of the sons went and gathered wild fruits to eat, but as he was doing so he also collected some poisonous fruits, he came back and prepared all these in front of the prophet yet he never said anything. Now it happened as they were eating that one said there is poison in the pot. This happened so that the grace that was upon the prophet may be manifested, if he had solved everything without their knowledge they wouldn’t have realised how much grace was upon Elisha. Elisha had to put flour into the put so that the poison would have no effect. Most people when they give their testimonies saying if it wasn’t for the prophet and so on, they don’t really mean it. Some people think it was because they made the right decisions yet there was an involvement of the prophet. -There are several people from other churches who partner with this ministry because they know that there is God in this ministry, a certain man came from Baal-Shalishah (2Kings4:42) brought first fruits to Elisha because of what he had heard. This man in his mind shouldn’t think that he has helped the prophet because a prophet is a distribution centre! God puts people’s things in a prophet so that those who have needs should go and collect from him, we shouldn’t wait for heavens to drop things on our laps instead we should go to the prophet and get what we need. When heavens have remembered you, your gift/ blessings are put in the prophet. After Elisha had finished doing this miracle he then multiplied bread and flour which had been brought to him. In verse 6 we then hear that the sons of the prophets wanted to expand their school. When we have this kind of a prophet in our midst it is a sign from God that we need to think big! You might have small or few things but because of the prophet we need to realise that expansion of our territories is inevitable! -We see demonstration of submission from these sons in that they wanted to expand their school but they had to ask for permission from the prophet who didn’t even stay at their college! A person who is wise will stay connected to the anointing even in their businesses this is why one of the sons had to ask the prophet to accompany them as they went to gather poles that they wanted to use in building their college. These people had borrowed an axe, this somehow shows that people never learn because when Elisha started his ministry he rescued a widow whose husband had borrowed from other people and her husband again was a prophet. Now my question is why are these things happening in the presence of a prophet? There are things which can happen to you when you think that you are safe, for instance you come under this anointing and your child dies. It was God’s plan to save your own life, had it happened whilst you were out there you might have committed suicide! In the spirit realm a solution comes before a problem, you will not get sick unless God has already provided someone to cure you. This is why the bible says God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can overcome. -For a person to appreciate spiritual things they would have seen the demonstration of the power of God. In 2004 when I first Prophet Makandiwa I had to do an absolute fast in-order to get close to him, that was when he prophesied to me concerning the few year that would follow. After meeting with him that is when I began to have revelations of the word. I fell sick after meeting him with a disease that the doctors couldn’t diagnose until the man of God came and prayed for me and I got well. -In Mark 11 there is a story about Mary Martha and Lazarus, these people took Jesus for grunted for He was close to them. In verse 12 we hear that as Jesus was coming from their place He became hungry, this shows us that they had not fed Him. Do not get too used to this grace because it will be lifted from you so that you will really appreciate it. When Lazarus died this is when his sister ran to Jesus and said “if only you were here our brother wouldn’t have died!” When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead this is when they really began to appreciate Him. Do not tempt the grace, when you give thanks then do it with all your heart, don’t be a hypocrite you will cause the grace to move away from you! -The axe fell into the river because there was a prophet who was close who could retrieve it, your business is not doing well because there is a prophet close to you who is able to rescue it, your marriage is shaky because there is a prophet who can heal it, you fell sick because there is a prophet who is able to heal you! There is the Jordan river/economy which is able to sink the axe but we say no to sinking of our health, marriages, businesses, finances and opportunities! If you have anything that the river or the economy has drowned in the past, because of the Prophet who we invited into our lives pray so that it may be retrieved right now!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 17:25:06 +0000

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