(Living Life - March 5) From Holy Spirit to an Evil - TopicsExpress


(Living Life - March 5) From Holy Spirit to an Evil spirit When Saul was first anointed as King over Israel by the prophet Samuel, the Spirit of the LORD (Holy Spirit) came upon Saul so strongly that he began to prophesy. So the Israelites began to say, “Is Saul among the prophets?” (1 Samuel 10:11). And this is quite interesting, because as much as King David was anointed with the Holy Spirit, David NEVER prophesied. Neither has any other king BUT Saul. So what happened to Saul? How did he go from the ONLY king who ever prophesied to the ONLY king that was demon possessed? Saul was always afraid of people more than he was of God. When Saul saw his troops deserting him, he did not wait for Samuel to come but instead made a burnt offering himself. When Saul captured Agag the king of the Amalekites, he spared Agag instead of obeying God and killing him. Saul even after being rejected by God and Samuel, asked Samuel to accompany him to the elders, so he may look good and authoritative before them. The lesson I take from today’s QT is this. Saul thought he can get what he wants with or without God. he thought of God as a tool to use to get what he wants, but also as an inconvenience. So Saul sought God for his benefits and at the same time ignored God at his convenience. As long as he had his authority over people, Saul would have been happy. BUT what happened is quite ironic. Saul did not just lose the Spirit of God. BUT he also lost his image before the people. Saul tried so hard to build an image of a mighty king before the people. Yet, once the Spirit leaves and the evil spirit comes, Saul is exposed before his servants. Saul cannot hide the fact that he is demon possessed. In a similar story in Daniel 4, king Nebuchadnezzar is turned into an animal (or at least he acts like one for many years). That is the power of God. We think we can get what we want. And as long as we get what we want, it is okay not to have God. But God shows us how foolish we are to think that. With God, we have everything and can do anything. Without God, we have nothing and cannot do anything.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 21:57:44 +0000

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