Long Deep Breathing How to do Long Deep Breathing The lack of - TopicsExpress


Long Deep Breathing How to do Long Deep Breathing The lack of relaxation and peace of mind in the personal and collective consciousness of present day society inhibits proper breathing. Poor breathing increases susceptibility to stress, with all its attendant illnesses. (The American Medical Association reports that 80% of diseases are stress-related.) The body’s physiological response to stress, whether physical or psychological, is (among other things) to increase the breath rate. Shallow upper chest breathing with a faster breath rate leads to chronic tension and weak nerves, which set the scene for illnesses and fatal breakdown in one or another of the body systems. We know the importance of attitude, exercise and good diet, but the value of breathing techniques is as yet not known or recognized in this country. Long deep breathing is simply proper complete efficient breathing using the body as it was made to be used. Try watching relaxed babies, animals, or people in less complex societies. It is not difficult: the lungs simply fill up and empty very completely. Hold your two hands with fingertips touching on your abdomen. As you inhale, the abdomen should expand so that the fingers separate, and as you exhale, they should come together again. To learn exactly how it is done, start by inhaling while relaxing the abdomen (the navel area) and even pushing it out. The muscles of the abdomen draw the diaphragm down. (The diaphragm is a circular barrier of muscular tissue separating the lung cavity from the abdominal cavity.) The downward movement of the diaphragm creates a vacuum in the lung cavity, so air automatical1 flows into the lungs. The lowest portion of the lungs fills first. On the exhale, the abdomen should shrink back - - try pulling it back. This pushes up on the diaphragm creating a pressure in the lung cavity which causes the air to be expelled. Long deep breathing is also called diaphragmatic breathing or abdominal breathing. Practice it as often as possible for as long as you can. What Long Deep Breathing Will Do for You 1) Relax and calm you. 2) This relaxation is of an active rather than a passive kind. It will retune and reset your brain so that correct decisions will flow automatically in a crisis situation. 3) Filling of the lungs to capacity will feed your electromagnetic field. Revitalizing and readjusting your magnetic field will make you less liable to fall victim to accidents, sickness and negativity. 4) Pump the spinal fluid to the brain, giving greater energy. 5) Regulate the body’s pH (acid/alkalinity), which affects your ability to handle a stressful situation. 6) Reduce and prevent toxic buildup caused by not clearing the mucous linings of the small air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs. 7) Stimulate the production of chemicals (endorphins) in the brain, which eliminate the tendency to depression. 8) Cleanse the blood. 9) Energize, give greater alertness and awareness due to the life force (prana) in oxygen. 10) Give clarity, coolheadedness, and positivity. 11) Aid in releasing blockages in meridian energy flow. 12) Activate and cleanse nerve channels. 13) Aid in speeding up healing, emotional and physical. 14) Aid in breaking subconscious undesirable habit patterns and addictions. 15) Reduce insecurity and fear. 16) Rechannel previous mental conditioning on pain so as to reduce or eliminate pain (as, for example, in childbirth). 17) Restore the aura. 18) Give capacity to control your negativity and emotions. 19) As the lung capacity increases, the pituitary gland will begin to secrete and the intuitional power of the mind will begin to develop.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 14:50:01 +0000

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