Long Story, but I think worth the read. A small contribution by - TopicsExpress


Long Story, but I think worth the read. A small contribution by me, to help with education within social media, for able bodied persons to understand a little better, and for disabled persons with dreams of success with their gifts, to never lose hope and to be courageous. So many people think that, when you are disabled, it means that everything about you shouldnt be able. They criticize. They judge. They talk behind your back. Well, if they can do this, then they should be working. Why do I have to pay for them to stay home on the couch? Or my favorite, You dont look disabled to me. There are a lot of negative views in our media,including our social media, pitting abled bodied people against disabled people. As if all disabled people are draining money out of the working persons pockets. If the disability is obvious to the eye, people understand... but if they can not see it... then many people judge that person negatively. Heres the kicker... if you are disabled, and receive disability, (and you were not born disabled but became disabled due to illness or injury) and You WORKED throughout your life, and now suddenly can not... and this person PAID INTO SOCIAL SECURITY. Its that persons hard work, that takes care of them once disabled or retired. As a disabled person, I know that our stories are all different. Our cause of disease or illness are all different. Our abilities are all different. Our inabilities are all different. But if we focus on our Can dos and not our Can nots... if we focus on what we are able to do, and strengthen those abilities, that doesnt mean we are completely ABLE to do other things, it means we CAN do the best with what we are able to do, with as debilitating as our illness or injury may be. Some are higher functioning and some are less functioning. We should be encouraging people with disabilities, wanting us to live as good or happy a life as possible. Given the difficulties we face, happiness is not too much to ask for. Finding our gifts and using them with the best of our ability, is not too much to ask for. Acceptance, understanding, and kindness, is not too much to ask for. For people like me... encouragement and support mean the world. It is MY world that changed when I became ill. My dreams have altered. My abilities have changed. It also affected all the people I love. They see me at my worst.... I dont show it to the world. Because the world judges. I hold onto the good that I have. The smallest bits of good, are huge miracles to me. I will never give up my dreams for non believers, criticizers, or haters. Is there a place for someone like me within the music industry? Someone who does not have the ability to tour? BUT Someone who has the gift to write, to sing, to record at a pace that works with my health? I believe there is. And even though the industry doesnt recognise someone like me within their world.... yet... because Im not able to jump around on stage or dance in front of a million flashing lights to entertain a crowd. BUT WHAT I AM ABLE to do, is write, and sing with passion. I can record music, and create music with other amazing musicians. ALL AT MY PACE. Is there room for me? YES! That doesnt mean that someday, things wont change for the better for disabled people like me, who have gifts to share with the world. This is a wonderful video, that shows there is discrimination against disabled persons, but shows that ignorance does not break our spirits, nor does it stop our dreams from becoming a reality.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:24:33 +0000

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