Long story, but have to share... Today, Keaton and I went to the - TopicsExpress


Long story, but have to share... Today, Keaton and I went to the grocery store. When we were checking out, a very sweet hearing impaired employee named Millie started bagging our groceries. She was playing with Keaton as she put things in our cart. I told Keaton to show her all done in sign language and then a few other words (he never showed her, but I was doing it). She was amazed that we were teaching him some signs. She asked if he was deaf and I said no, we just like for him to have a way to communicate with us before he is verbal. She loved that idea. We said goodbye and were heading to the car, when I discovered that I couldnt find my car keys...big surprise. ;) I went back into the store and looked around a bit. Millie saw that I was back and asked if I was okay. I told her (motioned) that my keys were missing. She immediately started looking and went to tell another, more senior employee. This employee approached me and asked what was wrong and was almost laughing that I had asked the deaf lady (her exact words) for help. :/ I told her I had lost my keys and that actually Millie completely understood and was helping me. Annoyed with this employee, I started retracing my steps, baby on hip and was starting to panic a bit. As I came back to the front of the store, one of the cashiers said they had been found. I looked up and Millie had them in her hand!! She had looked on the ground all over the store and had found them! I hugged her and told her thank you in sign language over and over. Needless to say, we are now bffs. ;) Never underestimate the awesome ability of the disabled. So thankful for sweet Millie rescuing this frazzled mommy today.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 03:25:01 +0000

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