Long time ago, there lived a Holy man who prayed a lot and often - TopicsExpress


Long time ago, there lived a Holy man who prayed a lot and often grieved over the sins of men. And strange it seemed to him, why is it so often that people go to Church, pray to God, and live just as bad, sin does not decrease. Lord, thought he, Why dont you hear our prayers? Thats why people constantly pray, so that they could live in peace and repentance, and I cant. Are their prayers really vain? One day with these thoughts he fell asleep. And saw, like a radiant angel hugged hime with his wing, lifted him high above the ground. As they ascended higher and higher, weaker and weaker grew the sounds coming from the earths surface. human voices were not longer heard, quiet songs, cries, all the hustle bustle of worldly life. Only sometimes could somehow harmonious gentle sounds, like the sounds of distant lute. - What is it? asked the old man. Those are the Holy prayers, said the angel, they are heard here. - But why are they so weak? Why are so few of these sounds heard? Because now all the people praying in the temple?.. Angel looked at him, and sorrowful was his face. You want to know? See. Far below, stood the great temple. Miraculous power has opened its vaults, and the old man could see everything that was done inside. The Church was filled with people. In the choir visible was a large good Priest in full vestments stood at the altar. It was the divine liturgy. What is the service - it was impossible to describe, because no one there made a sound. It was like standing on the left kliros the clerk read something quickly, splashing and over the lips, but the words did not ascend up. From the pulpit slowly walked out an enormous in growth deacon, smooth gesture trimmed his magnificent hair, then lifted his orarion, widely opened his mouth, and... no sound! In the choir the choir gave notes of the choir was preparing to sing. So the chorus, Ill hear, thought the elder. Regent hit the tuning fork on the knee, pressed it to his ear, stretched his arms and gave the sign to start, but still silence. Watching this was surprisingly strange: the Regent waved his arms, tapping his foot, the bass was red from the effort, tenor pulled on his socks, raising his head, mouths were all open, but the singing was not there. What is it? thought the old man. He turned his eyes on the faithful. There were lots of them, of different ages and positions: men and women, old men and children, merchants and ordinary peasants. All of them were baptized, bowed, many whispered something, but nothing was heard. The whole Church was silent. - Why is this? asked the old man. - Go down and you will see and understand. said the angel. They came down slowly, no one saw them in the temple. Elegantly dressed woman standing in front of the whole crowd and, apparently, she prayed fervently. Angel walked up to her and softly touched her hand. And suddenly the old man saw her heart and knew her thoughts. Oh, this nasty postmasters! she thought. Again, in a new hat! The husband is a drunkard, children are beggars, and she is living the life! Nearby was a merchant in good broadcloth coat and gazed thoughtfully at the iconostasis. The angel touched his chest, and before the old man immediately opened his concealed thoughts: ...what a disappointment! Price has dropped... Product like this now would never be sold! Not less than a thousand lost, and maybe a thousand and a half... Then was seen a young peasant boy. He almost did not pray, and kept looking to the left, where there were women he blushed and shifted from foot to foot. The angel touched him, and the old man read in his heart: Oh, wonderful and good Dunyasha!.. she is all upkept and she is a person of good habits, and good work... that would be such a great wife! Should I go and talk to her or not? And many were touched by an angel, and they all had similar thoughts, empty, idle, worldly. Before God they stood, but not about God were their thoughts. They only pretended that they were praying. Now do you understand? the angel asked. Such prayers do not reach us. Thats why it seems that they all just silent. At this moment, suddenly shy childs voice clearly said: My God! Thou art gracious and merciful... Save and have mercy, heal my poor mother! In the corner on his knees, pressed against the wall, stood a little boy. His eyes glistened with tears. He prayed for his sick mother. The angel touched his chest, and the old man saw the childs heart. There was sorrow and love. - Here is a prayer that is heard by us! said the angel.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:16:58 +0000

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