Looking for balance and grace to disarm the strongest of - TopicsExpress


Looking for balance and grace to disarm the strongest of offenders is a spiritual past time to behold . The room to grow as a believer , releases spiritual pressure on other honest souls to open up like a flower and communicate in new ways the freshness and respect . Here to for I will use my spirit and symmetry of soul to reveal heavenly principles in methods and motivations of dealings with my fellows . Conscious cosmic awareness allows the soul freedom to flow in deep seeking channels of spiritual conversations with others .The spiritual key is to show kindness to all parties ;students and rivals, allowing them no room to hate and pour out wrath on a peace makers. Fear is no more a companion than my shadow and good intentions glow to even the rankest of personalities . Lord is a word symbolizing my desire to please my father creator and his plan for me . The inner longings ,personality traits and distinct patterns of my soul yearn for conformation in the spiritual either of existence . Angels weep in joy , and raise their hands in the pledge to help the soul and spirit fuse in the passion of the infinite finality . Gone are the days of self love and pity parties ; new things are far more important and vital to the mentality of a growing son or daughter of the Living God. Machines cant love and robotic theology does not love you back ; bibles cant heal you , save your soul or take you to Heaven .How is it fair to secretly worship Scriptures while failing to love God ,your brothers and your self ? Who told man the truth about God? Who said ,(if you know me – you know my father )? Relationships of any lasting value can only be had with persons ; so then ,know God as the person of Jesus ,and so you will know the living father God . No devil has me in his hands , no evil plot of destruction consumes my eternal destiny , and no dark powers of iniquity possess my soul when I tell you the bible is no history book and filled with truth and error . The time to speak these truths is now upon us . It benefits mankind to hear the truth that book fetishes are no longer serviceable to the sons and daughters of God ;perforce you have a religion in the spirit of God and trade away the religions about God from so called perfect scriptures. Your authority is the spirit of God ; is it not? What man made study of God can compensate for the actual experience there of ? One can be child like in a true growing religion with God while another can be childish in his stereotypical outlook and theological judgments of damnation on others . I write this living letter for the betterment of my family of mankind and our little world . My ideas are just that but I do feel inspired by God to tell all the world how I feel and what we should do to make the world new .It starts with you. You have to be brave , yes you have to be the one who dares to come out from your fellows and make a stand on something beautiful . We cant say no more we were not told of this , we who know now must act . The time for indecision is passing ; the world will hear the truth of things and no one will have the convenient excuse of ignorance . let you who hold the truth know it ; It never was asked of you to defend what can not be defended . This so called gospel of all scripture being directly from god and absolute will be the down fall of modern day distorted Christianity. You who always knew this truth may feel a breeze of holiness while those who are intellectually satisfied but spiritually stagnate will be enraged in so called religious indignation . Let the seekers listen and hear the truth so they can live the truth . Let the spiritual ambassadors of Jesus be
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 03:54:29 +0000

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