Lord of the Rings Risk Variant Games Vale of Erech First, - TopicsExpress


Lord of the Rings Risk Variant Games Vale of Erech First, separate all the ‘Gondor’ Cards and place them face down in a pile, with the ‘Vale of Erech’ card face up at the bottom of the pile. Players then take turns in drawing all the remaining nation cards 1 at a time. Battle for Nations The first battles are simply to conquer the nations where you have troops. In this game you may not transfer troops over national boundaries. When you have conquered a nation completely you gain a ‘Gondor’ card from the pile by drawing one. The last nation to fall gains the extra Gondor card. Battle for Vale of Erech When all nations have fallen you transfer all your national troops to the corresponding Gondor card for that nation which was drawn from the Gondor pile when you conquered the nation. Each turn your total number of armies allocated is based on total number of armies and your standard nation allocation number. This can never be lost during the Battle for the Vale of Erech. The object of the Game is to move into the Vale of Erech and hold it for 5 turns. You can’t lose your Gondor national cards, so the battle is always on, and each player always gains the minimum of the ‘nation’ allocations, if nothing else in each turn. Once you hold the Vale of Erech for 5 turns, you can claim the card and victory. In other respects, apart from the rules set above, standard risk rules apply. Mountainhold-Foresthold Hold all the Mountain Territories of Mt Doom, Rhun Hills, Weather Hills, Tower Hills and Evendim Hills OR Hold all the Forest territories of Old Forest, Lorien, Fangorn & South, Eastern and North Mirkwood for 3 turns to claim victory. The Eriador Gambit Standard game rules apply, but if a player holds ALL of Eriador when the ring arrives at Lothlorien they claim victory. (Obvious Variants are the ‘Arnor Gambit’, ‘Rhovanion Gambit’, ‘Rohan Gambit’, ‘Mirkwood Gambit’, ‘Rhun Gambit’, ‘Gondor Gambit’, ‘Mordor Gambit’ & the ‘Haradwaith Gambit’ based on exactly the same rule).
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 12:32:41 +0000

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