Lord, straight up, it feels like the world’s gone mad. - TopicsExpress


Lord, straight up, it feels like the world’s gone mad. Genocide & wars & the middle of the world about gutting out the middle of our hearts. The world needs peacemakers who let the broken bits of their heart fill in all the cracked pieces & places in the world. The world needs prayer warriors who don’t see prayer as the least we can do but the *most* we can do — and then literally get down on their knees & pray us through this mess. The world needs to hear a lot more good news — and maybe that starts with each of us beggars whove found bread sharing more of the sustenance of Good News. The news that there is a Wounded Healer who touches our scars with His scars and says, I know & I see & no matter how it seems, there’s more happening than you see, and *this isn’t over yet.* The news that these days that are dry & brittle, ready to snap — these days are perfect kindling for a burning bush. Watch for burning bushes on days like this. The secret of joy is to keep seeking You precisely where we dont expect You. The news that now more than ever is when we all need to be kind to one another. No one ever killed anyone with kindness —- only demons are killed by kindness. The rest of us are resurrected by kindness. Kindle us with kindness, keep us with kindness, kiss us with kindness. Please, resurrect us all with kindness… In the name of Jesus, the only One who loved all of us to death and back to real & forever life again, Amen. #HonestPrayers
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 00:02:53 +0000

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