Lori and her story! Wow! I wasnt sure what the difference would - TopicsExpress


Lori and her story! Wow! I wasnt sure what the difference would be when I lined up the pictures, but WOW! I am so proud of myself! My name is Lori. I have never been thin, but always athletic/ average build. I gained a ton of weight after moving to the midwest and had the hardest time trying to lose it. I tried WW and did very well, but I got sooo tired of counting, so gained it all back and then some! I also tried Jenny Craig, Fasting, Body Type, really anything I could get my hands on, but nothing I could live with. I’ve moved back to NY and made many changes in my life including career change and getting married again. Now it was time to change the body. I tried everything, but I would just gain and loose the same 5 pounds – VERY FRUSTRATING!!! I saw some posts for Skinny Fiber and I was totally skeptical! But the people looked REAL – not 500lbs to a younger bikini model! But like a real person, with bumps and bulges! So being the internet researcher that I am, I looked up all the ingredients – everything seemed to be good for you – all natural, good for you stuff. Then I googled Skinny Fiber looking for bad reviews. The only ones I could find were from people who had never tried it and said, “why don’t you just eat more fiber!” Well, DUH! If I could sit all day and eat broccoli and carrot sticks, I wouldn’t be searching for answers! So I took the chance and ordered. When it came, I was so scared to take it! What was this stuff going to do to me??? Well, I figured I came this far, and since life is better outside my comfort zone, I took it. 30 minutes later I ate my usually dinner. Big mistake! I was Thanksgiving stuffed!!! What the heck? I could normally eat what I did and maybe even have room for more, but NO WAY! The next meal I was smarter. I took half of what I thought I wanted and was FULL! Satisfied full! The next day, I took my Skinny Fiber at lunch. Now, normally when I come home for lunch I am so hungry, I eat whatever is not nailed down while I make my lunch, then eat all that I made. Well, not anymore! Now I take my skinny fiber, walk the dog and casually make my lunch – I am no longer frantically starving!! Another thing is cravings. I am a fatty/salty craving girl. I NEVER say no to ice cream. Well, in nearly two months I haven’t even been interested in ice cream! My husband bought some the other day, and gave me just a little – that was more than enough! WOW never before! I used to grab a pint all to myself! At first other than portions, I didn’t change anything (I already rarely go out for dinner, am not a junk food girl and always have fruit and veggies), but now I have added exercise and the inches are flying off! I also used to want a nap (or two) daily! Now, I no longer need one and if I do take a nap, I am up half the night! Not in a jittery, caffeinated way, but in a high energy, feeling great way! I am happy I found Skinny Fiber and can’t wait for my continued success. I share my story with you to inspire and encourage you to start your journey now! You won’t regret it! Order Your Skinny Fiber Today! you can order here! Click ORDER HERE JaneRivas.sbc90/
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 23:35:35 +0000

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