Losing My Religion: Sad But True. Nothing Else Matters. But, all I - TopicsExpress


Losing My Religion: Sad But True. Nothing Else Matters. But, all I receive is The Sound Of Silence. I will continue to Fight the Good Fight until we Triumph. Or, die trying. Just like JFK, my Namesake. Just like Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like Jesus, my Savior. If all of them were willing to die, standing for the Word of God, so am I. Jesus rose from the dead. Is he returning sooner, rather then later? If so, that means The People failed the Test of Time from above, in my Book. The People failed to stand for the Word of God, when they needed to most, in The End. I Wish this was just a Dream, my Life is one big Nightmare. To be writing about the Evils of The Nation and The Church that I grew up in, is almost too much to bare and bear. As, tears come to my eyes. I believe we are reaching the Point Of No Return. Before, we are Dust In The Wind, like many of the Forgotten Victims of 9/11. We promised never to forget 9/11 and its Time to pay up. I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live the 9/11 Lie. I not only believe 9/11 was an Inside Job, I believe it was made into a Royal Masonic Satanic Ritual. Goes with the Pre-Meditated Oil Wars, in the Name of God, that followed 9/11. The Ultimate Insult to my Go, he says Thou Shall Not Kill. I believe our Royal Rulers and so-called Leaders, past and present, make a Living off of Killing people. They make a Killing! Then, they say, its Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against The Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our Nation today. This is Plan! I believe everything that JFK warned US about in his Secret Society Speech, over 50 years ago, is Ruling our Nation today. I believe the same could be said of JFKs Separation of Church and State Speech. Those Royal Rulers, holding Holy Books, are the Kings of Cover-up. JFK exposed a Plot to Enslave every Man, Woman, and Child of our Nation. JFK was Assassinated 7 days later. I believe by the Royal Plotters. Find the Truth on 9/11 and I believe we will have found the Truth on the Assassination of JFK. Same Royal Plot, different day. JFK was our first Catholic President, and known as the last President to tell the Truth. Anytime you have a first, it could be the last. Reminds me of our first Black President. Is Obama Nation being Led into the Abomination of Desolation. According, to the Script of the Royal Plot? Also, reminds me of the first Jesuit (Black?) Pope. Are they the last President and last Pope? Ive said too much. I thought that I heard you laughing. There are many of those among US, who feel Life is but a Joke. The jokes on US! We will be laughing all the way to our Graves. Unless, they decide to turn US to Ash, like the Forgotten Victims of 9/11. How does it feel? Like A Rolling Stone, the Story of my crazy Life living in a Nation and World being Ruled under Secrets and Lies. Losing My Religion, as I am Losing at the Royal Rigged Game of Life. But, when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. I believe we are all about to have nothing. Join the crowd. Misery loves company. I believe we are living out the Royal Plot of Enslavement, exposed by JFK, today. Control is the Name of the Royal Rulers Game. History proves, if they cant control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could Testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldnt control her. Just like JFK, my Namesake. Just like Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like Jesus, my Savior. I believe the Script of the Royal Plot has US living out The End of the Christian Calendar, based on The Beginning. Goes with the War on Christmas today, symbolized by X-Mas. Jesus rose from the dead. While our Royal Rulers and so-called Leader can keep Secrets and tell US Lies, God knows all. I believe he has seen and heard enough. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is: The Truth or The End. The Truth will set US Free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. Free and Independent. Freedom of Religion is a Founding Principle of this Nation and it must be protected at all cost. The whole idea of One World Religion, is as Insane, as the Royal Rulers and so-called Leaders Preaching the New World Order. I believe the so-called Chosen Ones behind the New World Order, are behind the Assassination of JFK, 9/11, and Wars. If that is the Religion they are talking about, Im Losing My Religion. To be killing in the Name of God, is the Ultimate Insult to my God, he says Thou Shall Not Kill. Religion is a Personal Relationship, with a God, a person chooses to worship, in my Book. I Wish this was just a Dream, just a Dream. I believe my Fathers, up in Heaven, are saying Carry On My Wayward Son, there will be Peace when you are done. So, I will Carry On. See my entire facebook page, its my Book - Change 2014. It follows Change 2013 and Change 2012. PS: Dont shoot the Messenger. Its Gods Call of Duty for all of US. Peace.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 01:10:52 +0000

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