Lost Soul, from a crewing perspective: I have never admired my - TopicsExpress


Lost Soul, from a crewing perspective: I have never admired my husband more than the day he ran his first 100K. Watching runner athleticism and doggedness slowly translate into carnage and DNFs throughout the day, I also watched Todd Savard s body and spirit take a beating. Yet, no matter how low he got or how much it hurt, he never, not once, said he wanted to stop. Even when pain and fatigue were etched on his face, he neither whined nor complained. At every challenge, he just dug deeper. He was relentless. Honoured to have been permitted a window seat into his great accomplishment. I also felt gratitude to support others at the 50k, a great distraction from my own disappointment at not being able to run a race for which I had been excitedly training since spring. While it was still disheartening to stand at the trails I wanted to race, I was all the more appreciative of the gift of running. Proud to support my amazing running friends who grimaced their way through a mean course (with the exception of Sean Rickard, who made it look like a walk in the park). Id have given almost anything to have joined you. Thanks for the memories! Next year, Ill be chasing your tired legs all over them thar hills!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 06:05:37 +0000

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