Lost Tradition: Years ago, many homes had a treasured ritual. - TopicsExpress


Lost Tradition: Years ago, many homes had a treasured ritual. The whole family gathered around a table, at list once a day, to have a meal. No interruptions allowed. Nobody watched television, wore earphones, or sent text messages. A peaceful environment provided an opportunity for those present to absorb wisdom, strengthen family bonds, and laugh together over daily happenings while enjoying family meal. For many of us, the family meal may sound like an old-fashioned custom. Today, in many homes family meals are the exception not the rule. Why families find it so difficult to eat together? Is this traditional custom not worth preserving? The fact that it has visibly diminished in the course of a generation……is remarkable evidence of how our family connectedness has been vanished while remaining globally connected through social media and cellular technology. First, the high cost of living has led both husband and wife to work longer hours. Second, today’s hectic pace of life encourages fast food and hasty meals. Additionally, there are fathers who prefer to arrive home when the toddlers are already asleep because they want to avoid tantrums at dinner. Some parents choose to give meals to kids first and send them to bed so that husband and wife can have quiet meal together. Such situations lead families to have separate eating sessions. Notes stuck on refrigerator replace mealtime conversation. Each family member arrives home, warms a precooked dish and sits in front of TV or a laptop. This social trend seems irreversible. Families with separate eating sessions, really don’t know what they are missing. Family meals offer parents a unique chance to care for their children’s emotional well-being. The dining table is an obvious place for kids to get regular access to parental presence. Family meals also help children to live a more balanced, healthy life and offer more emotional stability. Family meals present the perfect opportunity each day to tell something to our children and keep them well informed about everyday problems. When eating together becomes routine, children feel cared for. Family meals are not just nourishes our body but also nourishes you emotionally and spiritually. It is a perfect opportunity for your family to draw together. If you live a busy life, family meals offer the chance to slow down and talk to your loved ones. The effort will certainly be worth it. Family happiness is precious treasure. FENG SHUI helps: Southwest, Northeast and Center sectors of your house ba-gua controls your family luck. Theses all three sectors belong to Earth element. Make sure avoid having washrooms or stair-case located in these sectors. Also avoid plants being here. Having crystals or candles in these areas will enhance your family luck. Keep areas clutter free, well lit with more open space rather than crowded. Aromas and bright lights here will help strengthen your family luck. To avoid break ups, disputes and differences, follow this new feng shui outlook to preserve, protect and enjoy your well-deserving family happiness. Many Blessings, Deepak R. Jayakar
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:52:06 +0000

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