Love & Acceptance We should all know by now that God Loves His - TopicsExpress


Love & Acceptance We should all know by now that God Loves His Children. And if you have been born again, you are one of His Children! The awesome thing about His love, is that it knows no boundries, and my friend, once He loves you, he doesnt change His mind. Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. There is nothing that we can do on this earth that can make Him love us, and there is nothing that we can do that can make Him NOT love us! His love is unconditional. Sure, I believe that we can do things from time to time that can possibly make Him upset with us, but NOTHING can take His Love from us! Why? Because He is a Father to us, not just a friend, or a companion, or an associate, who will all conditionalize there love for you! If you are a father or a mother, even though sometimes your children can disobey you or do other things that you dissaprove of, it doesnt mean that you wil stop loving them. Yep, you might be mad at them, for a little while, but there is just something on the inside of you that keeps you loving them! God not only Loves us with an unconditional love, but He also Accepts us, JUST LIKE WE ARE! He doesnt wait to accept you until you get your life in proper order, as you think your life should be, He doenst wait to accept you until you have gotten rid of bad habits, bad language, anger issues, rage issues, depression, discouragement or even poor judgements and bad decisions. Nope, He accepts us with ALL OUR FLAWS. I believe today that Gods Love first reaches our hearts because He is compassionate toward us and what we are going through or are faced with, He ACCEPTS just the way we are. His Love will then COVER our problems and even our sins. But He doesnt stop there! You see, He loves us way too much to leave us in a state of emotional and moral decay. He works on us day by day, though His love, and strengthens our weaknesses, takes on our burdens, lifts our discouragement, and in turn gives us Peace, Rest, Life and All things that pertain to Godliness! It reminds me of a song my brother and I used to sing in church when we were little kids...Hes still working on me, to make me what I oughta be. It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars, the sun and the moon, and jupiter and mars. How loving and patient He mst be...Hes still working on me! When we come to Him as broken as we may be, He restores, rebuilds and renews us to a place where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO US! So, please dont wait to come to Him till you got all things worked out, because its impossible to get it right without His help!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 12:18:24 +0000

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