‘Love is easy.’ However, things like respect & humility are - TopicsExpress


‘Love is easy.’ However, things like respect & humility are not. It is easy to fall in love; it is not easy to be in a relationship, a marriage etc. I often brag about my husband as I absolutely adore him and for reasons most don’t see or even hear me speak about, but God knew it would take someone with the qualities he possessed to -tend- my scars GOD was so patiently healing, helping me feel secure, protected, loved, of worth and most of all ‘RESPECTED’. The level of respect that my husband shows me is one to be admired; it can’t even be described in one situation or word. It is what he says, what he doesn’t say, what he looks at, what he doesn’t look at, how he acts alone without me, how he conducts himself on social media publicly and behind the scenes, how my heart and best interest are always his #1 concern. He could be madder than a hornet at me for whatever reason and his level of respect would never waiver. We all share things on FB often very trivial or what some may call ‘our life’s highlight reel’, dumb things with hashtags for each day of the week etc, but I often see Husbands/Wives lacking respect in several different ways for their spouse on social media. The ugliness will always be in this world {everywhere} choosing not to entertain that world and open doors for destruction is our own decision. Now-- I know we all measure ‘respect’ differently and what is good for one is not always the case for all, however my husband and I have the SAME understanding and it is governed by the laws God laid down for husband and wife. For that, I am grateful. To be able to trust whole heartedly your spouse in every situation possible is a freedom that I cannot express. My husband is a good honest man, a godly man, a gorgeous man, who respects his wife and all of those things rolled together is what makes our love. I am no expert by any means on relationships, but if you keep finding yourself dealing with repetitive issues that often come back to lack of respect from your spouse and you’re married give it to God. If you are dating maybe it is time to let go and seek God, letting him work his plan for your life.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 19:00:14 +0000

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