Loyalty means trust, loyalty and unity When the Roman Emperor - TopicsExpress


Loyalty means trust, loyalty and unity When the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said, Surround yourself with loyal servants and always sleep tight , he was referring to a loyal person is unable to commit any treachery or deceit. It is possible that no one better understands what loyalty means , until he has been betrayed . There is no doubt that loyalty is a virtue that glorify the man, as it used to say Lucius Annaeus Seneca , philosopher and political writer Latino. So loyalty is a value that stems from a deep spirituality loyalty and unity. Remember the maxim of Alexandre Dumas in his book , The Three Musketeers , All for one and one for all , in which the mental deliberation of unity and loyalty is expressed . And it is that spirit of unity that is implied in loyalty is what allows us to stop seeing ourselves as separate from the group and helps us integrate and cooperate with others. Loyalty also means constancy and sincerity in the agreement. Out of loyalty , a person stays in your business in bad times and corresponds with honesty and commitment ; loyalty , a friend helps you in difficult times ; loyalty parents sacrifice for their children loyalty a soldier gives his life for his country . The implicit spiritual force on loyalty, committed to other securities of the company , which interact to reinforce loyalty. Thus , loyalty acts in harmony with the person or institution with which it is linked ; cares , protects and engages to deepen their values and find the best solutions. Thus , loyalty becomes a sacred trust , something that must not be betrayed , at an extraordinary value. The people who say the pledge of allegiance in business, they do it with their heads , with the objectives and mission of the organization, with customers and suppliers responsible , the community and the values and principles. And we all expect loyalty from others, because we know that is the antidote that counteracts betrayal , treachery , infidelity , differences , ruptures , rebellion , distrust and hostility , all these disorders that weaken the principle of unit , the achievement of the objectives and the achievement of goals. Loyalty means commitment to defend what we believe and in whom we believe . Thats why when someone has given us a good thing, we owe more than thanks , and that is loyalty. Loyalty Friendship helps to lead to a deeper relationship, by that I mean , to be with the friend s wife , with the company when things go well and when things go wrong. Loyalty also means working because we have a profound duty to the company , and not just because we get paid . Not only is it well placed to have the shirt ,you have to sweat it ! Loyalty requires consciousness , therefore , spirituality is immersed in it, but does not appear as an emotional feeling, but as the result of a reflection of the mind to choose what is right . Unfair people manifest contrary to what is right attitudes. For example : Speak ill of the chiefs and their performance rather than support them with alternatives. Complain some coworkers , and criticize its shortcomings and how badly they perform their duties , rather than help them. Made little effort to carry out their work and are lazy . Often violate confidentiality. They despise a person for his speech , expression, dress and act in public, or because they feel jealousy and envy of a fellow , or live with an inferiority complex that makes them act with indifference, arrogance and disdain. Criticize the company when things go wrong rather than supporting it . Distort information , gossip produce and alter the order . Lines of authority are skipped and attributed the merit of team work They are kept for information that may be vital for the company. Betray their bosses and the company , and thus betray themselves . Of those opposed to loyalty demonstrations , we can deduce what the correct ways to behave to be loyal. However, we must not forget the above expressed : Loyalty is a reflection of the mind to choose what is right. Loyalty to negative ends , perfidious and pernicious , brings dire consequences. Many heads have rolled accordingly diverted loyalties. So being loyal is to be respectful , responsible, honest , loyal , fair , consistent , good fathers , good brothers , good spouses, good colleagues , good friends
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:08:46 +0000

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