Lucas and I were the first ones to church this morning. 8:45, we - TopicsExpress


Lucas and I were the first ones to church this morning. 8:45, we unlock the door...... and see Noahs Ark floating on forty days and nights worth of water (except without the Ark, just the water.) I mean seriously. The entire church floor is covered in an inch of water, aside from the main entry way. The sanctuary is flooded. After covering my expensive five-dollar shoes in trash bags so as not to get them wet, Lucas and I moved the sub-woofers in the sanctuary out of the water, hoping they werent damaged. Lucas calls Pastor Chris, and I start soaking up the four-hundred and ninety-six billion gallons of water on the floor with two or three paper towels from the nearest restroom. Twenty minutes or so pass. Lucas and I continue to try to find out what caused the flood. After the rest of the interns arrived, we get some water vacuums out and start relocating Noahs Flood outside. Pastor Chris arrives, a dozen or so people bring vacuums and other assorted water-moving appliances, and we beginning the process of un-flooding Foundation, praying for help. It felt like only an hour, but soon the clock turned 12:00. Pizza and salad were so generously donated by Mission U-Too for lunch, and then back to work. In only a few hours, and with the help of God (and the amazing Jacob Hentschel + crews Cleaning Company, thank you guys!) we successfully remove Noahs Ark from Foundation. There is still a lot of work to be done, but we will get through it. We did all of these things with cheerful attitudes and hearts of gratitude towards God! We continued to have faith that He would get us through the day, and He did. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Foundation, a little church in Bastrop county TX, changing some lives): 1 Satan and his millions upon billions of powerful demon hordes: 0 The difference: Respect, Love, and Faith in the Lord of Lords, King Of Kings, Mankinds Salvation, The Light Of The World; Faithful One, God Of The Angel Armies, and Our Redeemer: JESUS CHRIST. I dont know about you... but I dont mind a flood or two. Bring it on, Satan.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 02:14:16 +0000

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