Ludicrous Logic Anytime someone attempts to blame the economic - TopicsExpress


Ludicrous Logic Anytime someone attempts to blame the economic problems of any society on the poor people of said society, it’s obvious they aren’t thinking correctly. Poor people spend every penny they get, earn, or even steal on keeping themselves fed, clothed or even feeding others who are poor, and anyone who spends doesn’t cause economic downfall. Throughout history, literally every economic failure has been caused by the greed of the wealthy. For Fox News to claim the poor are the main cause of this country’s economic woes is ludicrous! Then to turn around and claim American corporations attempting to incorporate in other countries to get out of paying taxes is “just good business” is pure stupidity!! Taxes aren’t a punishment! Anyone who thinks tax payments are a punishment isn’t cognizant of what it takes to run a country, especially a country with the US size and standing. The working class supplies about 70 % of the taxes it takes to run this country, but they only control about 5 % of the money. On the other hand, the wealthy supply about 30 % of the taxes it takes to run the country, while controlling 95 % of the money. Also, the approximately 300 million dollars it takes to pay the retired, poor, and disabled of this country, in no way compares to the billions upon billions the wealthy don’t pay because of either tax breaks or just plain cheating. One more point; When I was released by the VA into the hands of hospice, to die at home rather than alone in a hospital, a case worker came out and got several balls rolling for me. First, she applied for my Medicare premiums to be paid by Medicaid, so that I could put an extra 104 dollars toward living expenses. Second, she applied for the Department of Aging and Disability to pay for copays and medicines that weren’t paid for by other means. Third, she applied for help with house repairs. All these things would have been great, but In January I received a 1.5 % cost of living raise which raised my disability by 13 dollars per month. It seems this 13 dollar raise was too much for my Medicaid to continue to pay my Medicare premium. So my 13 dollar raise cost me 104 dollars per month. Second, the Department of Aging accidentally sent me 636 dollars for six months of meds and copays, then after six months when I sent in my receipts, I found out now must repay 628 dollars because my receipts were unacceptable, except for 8 dollars. Third, right before I got the letter about my raise costing me so much money, I received a call from the office that was to come out and do minor repairs. They said, “I’m sorry, but you can’t receive our service if you accept Medicaid paying your Medicare premium.” Finally, I’d like to say, all this help is killing me, and I’d just as soon be left alone to die in peace!!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 22:15:52 +0000

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