MABRUK! It is a Zionist plan now revealed to divide, weaken, arm, - TopicsExpress


MABRUK! It is a Zionist plan now revealed to divide, weaken, arm, instigate, manipulate, enslave, exploit, or kill us ALL. Every religion, every government, every country, economy, man, woman, and child on the planet and it has to be stopped or nothing any of us thinks is important is going to matter at all. If my own children and I didnt uncover it and then research and encover so many more insiders and whistleblowers who have exposed it, I wouldnt believe it myself. (N.Morgan, October 2014) Russian President Vladimir Putin blames the United States for undermining global stabilization. Putin warned that the world will face new wars if the US does not respect the interest of the other nations in the world. Putin has been an outspoken force against the New World Order and the tyrannical regime we are facing now. “They are throwing their might to remove the risks they have created themselves, and they are paying an increasing price,” Putin told political experts at the Black Sea resort. “I think that the policies of the ruling elite are erroneous. I am convinced that they go against our interests, undermine trust in the United States,” he said. And sadly for Humanity, horrifyingly, I think he’s right and so do a whole lot of other victims, insiders, and whistleblowers who have now come forward to expose this unimaginable evil. This new entity now-revealed has hijacked all three branches of the U.S. government, U.S. currency, and the banking system to the point it now threatens to monetize, divide, manipulate, deceive, exploit, enslave, and even sacrifice nearly every government, economy, religion, country, man, woman, and child on the planet. And they couldn’t care less about laws, treaties, the Constitution, or loss of human life so long as it furthers their agenda for global control. This is precisely what my own children and I uncovered and now it’s threatening YOU, your government, families, and country which I cannot morally allow to continue in secret. They hate American’s too and will jail and/or kill as many as it takes to obtain the Zionist agenda: Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government. -- Henry Kissinger speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992 Bilderburg meeting. Unbeknownst to Kissinger, his speech was taped by a Swiss delegate to the meeting. “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order. - David Rockefeller “Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent. ~U.S. Congressman Larry P. McDonald. “They’re involved in kidnapping kids, international drug trafficking. They’re assassinating people. It is the story of a cancer at the heart of America and its continuing cover-up at the highest level!” - Retired FBI Chief Ted Gunderson. The same thing exposed by whistleblower Kathryn Bolkovac. They even hate the U.S. military: In Haigs presence, (Henry) Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy. -- Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, The Final Days, p. 208 (and that has further been stated and exposed by Four Star U.S. General Wesley Clark, the most decorated U.S. Marine General in history Major General Smedley Darling Butler, and U.S. Marine Patrick Downey). Henry Kissinger is the head of Kissinger Associates, which provides consultancy for oil and arms deals all over the globe, and which counts among its clients the U.S. government, NATO, many corporations, and foreign countries. He also sits on the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group named by World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes in her November 2013 public warning: “If you look at Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, Bank of America, or Wells Fargo, these are all one entity because their boards are all interlocking. This group is in control of the Federal Reserve system, AND of the central banks of the 58 countries that belong to Bank for International Settlements. These [central banks] are not government entities, they are private entities. This group thinks it sits above the law. What I found out actually is that there are layers upon layers and that there are secret groups that go around acting like the enforcers or the coordinators or whatever you want to call them. So I can tell you who these groups are so you can get a good picture of how this group operates. There’s something called the Knights of Malta, there’s something called the Council of Foreign Relations, there’s something called the Bilderberg Group, there’s something called the Trilateral Commission, and fasten your seatbelts, folks… there’s something called the Jesuits. These people are the ones that are determining and have mapped this out.” Interviewer: Do you think the proposed BRICS bank has anything to do with this group feeling threatened? Karen Hudes: “Yes, the BRICS nations, (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), currently accounts for 25% of global trade. They have given notice to the world that the trade among themselves is no longer going to be paid for in U.S. dollars. So the international reserve currency status of the dollar is no longer there, and what this super-entity had in mind is that we were going to have a one-world currency. Well, that’s not happening, because these economies, the BRICS economies, are not signing on for that… Turn off the TV and unsubscribe to your newspapers, because you are simply getting a lot of propaganda. You are not getting the reality. Why do you think you don’t know about my story, since I have been talking about this since 2007?” More on Operation Mockingbird: scribd/doc/41631313/Operation-Mockingbird-An-Overview-and-History. Operation Mockingbird is a fully implemented CIA program to spread disinformation through American media. CIA Director William Colby testified to the Church Committee that over 400 CIA agents were active in the U.S. media to control what was reported through American mainstream television, newspapers, and magazines. He was then assassinated while canoeing near his Maryland home. “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild. “The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London to their New York Associates. “They created the Federal Reserve and that’s truly who runs the country, because if you go by what Deep Throat said in Watergate: “Follow the money.” And the Federal Reserve prints the money, so they’re the boss. If you make the money – you’re the boss. Politicians are nothing but puppets, it’s the Federal Reserve that runs the United States of America – not your government.” ~ Former Navy Seal and Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura. He also has stated “I love my country, not my government” because the U.S. has been hijacked by this unimaginable evil now revealed (and so has Israel). The perpetrators and profiteers hate ALL religions, ALL nationalities, ALL governments, and think everyone is an expendable life and a dollar sign for their evil global plan. “There is no free press, the Constitution is not being followed, and the rights of people are not being protected. Overall, corruption is rampant. I don’t want to say that the USA is an ‘evil empire’, but I’m asking for protection from the evil that’s stalking me.” ~ U.S. Marine Patrick Downey has asked President Putin for asylum after he uncovered and exposed the U.S. government and banks were both arming and funding both sides of the conflict he was sent to fight in. The first Zionist settlements were in Argentina by Baron de Hirsch and the Jewish Colonization Association. One of the founders of the Lovers of Zion, Leon Pinsker (1821-1891), articulated the view of practical Zionists in his book Auto-Emancipation (1882). Pinsker argued that the Jewish national goal need not be Eretz Israel but rather a land large enough to concentrate Jews from all over the world. Only later did Practical Zionists shift their stance and begin stressing settlement in Palestine. The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum and the settlement activity in Palestine was undertaken with the help of Baron Edmond de Rothschild, and then Theodor Herzl convened the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897, at which the World Zionist Organization (WZO) was established (Now known as the NWO –New World Order). This organization replaced Baron de Rothschild as the main funder of settlement activities in Palestine (Ettinger and Bartal, 1996). Herzl’s most controversial move was his support of the British proposal in 1903 for a Jewish settlement in Uganda under the British flag. Herzl justified his move on the grounds of political pragmatism by claiming it politically unwise to reject an offer made by a great power that recognized the Zionist movement. Furthermore, the acceptance of the British offer would bring about the realization of the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine nearer as the great powers began to comprehend the futility of this idea. Herzl sought, therefore, a “temporary haven” in Uganda as an emergency measure and not as a rejection of a territorial base in Eretz Israel. His wish, however, never came to fruition. Although he won support at the sixth Zionist Congress to dispatch an investigation commission to East Africa, Russian Zionists, led by Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952), lined up against him. The blow to Herzl’s prestige, as well as the attempted murder of Max Nordau (co-founder of the WZO along with Herzl), left Herzl profoundly depressed. A year later, the British government withdrew its offer. Aharon David Gordon (1856-1922) emphasized the need for an effective political organization to defeat the capitalists. Jabotinsky believed that Revisionism would never succeed in implementing an independent policy as long as it remained subject to the constraints imposed on its members by the Zionist Organization (Shavit, 1988, p. 58). This divergence led, in 1925, to the establishment of the Revisionist Zionist Organization within the Zionist Movement and, in 1935, led to its withdrawal from the Zionist movement and the creation of the New Zionist Organization (HaZach). Jabotinsky’s insistence on using force to accomplish the movement’s goals led him to participate in establishing the First Zion Mule Corps, become active in the formation of a Jewish Regiment in the British Army, and demand a permanent Jewish armed force under British guidance. As Arab violence escalated, and the British reacted by placing greater restrictions on the Zionists, Jabotinsky concluded that the only way to establish a Jewish state was to create a regular Jewish military force that would force out the British AND defeat the Arabs. Toward that end, the National Military Organization (Irgun Zevai Leumi or IZL) was established. This organization directed actions against the British until September 1948 when the IZL was dissolved and its members integrated into the Israel Defense Forces. In September 1947, representatives to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) made far-reaching recommendations for the partition of Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state. A similar proposal for dividing the country between Jews and Arabs was suggested in the 1937 Peel Commission Report. On November 29, 1947, the UN General Assembly ratified the UNSCOP recommendation and, on May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion announced the founding of the State of Israel and Zionism was promoted as its legitimate expression. Tragically many believe that Zionism and Judaism are identical. Thus they conclude that the entire Jewish people are responsible for the actions of the Zionists. Yet that is not at all true. Zionists in fact financed the Nazi extermination of millions of Jews in WWII because it was profitable to do so, furthered the Zionist agenda, and as so many have now uncovered and exposed, the loss of human life means absolutely nothing in the now revealed Zionist quest for wealth and world domination. If my own children and I didn’t uncover it, I wouldn’t have believed it myself. We must put aside our petty differences or be enslaved by it; there are no other options. Uri Davis (Apartheid Israel) citing an interview of a settler, in response to the stance of Yeshaayahu Leibowitz, renowned Riga-born Israeli academic, Orthodox in the necessity of state-religion separation and opponent of the post-1967 Occupations: “Leibowitz is right. We are Judeo-Nazis, and why not? … Even today I am willing to do the dirty work for Israel. Hang me if you want as a war criminal. What you lot don’t understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.” “Israel must follow through with the policies it has pursued since the inception of Zionism, seeking to purchase local agents among factions and communal groups who will assert themselves against other such communities at Israel’s behest.” ~ Zionist Oded Yinon published that in Kivunim (Directions), the journal of the Department of Information of the World Zionist Organization. “Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” ~ Ariel Sharon October 3, 2001. “The U.S. must continue, as the Pentagons 1992 draft Defense Planning Guidance argues, to dominate the international system by discouraging the advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger global or regional role. Imposing a protectorate over two-thirds of the world economy means not only that the United States MUST DOMINATE wealthy and technologically sophisticated friendly states, but that it must also deal with such nuisances as Saddam Hussein, Kim Il Sung and Slobodan Milosevic so that potential great powers need not acquire the means to deal with those problems themselves. ~ Benjamin C. Schwarz, foreign policy analyst at the Rand Corporation. In his book, former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin said that the Israeli government is in fact responsible for the design of American policy in the Middle East, after June 67. As for religious ferment in Egypt and the relations between Copts and Moslems, Jews were instructed to see the series of articles published in the Kuwaiti paper, El Qabas, 9/15/80. The English author Irene Beeson reports on the rift between Moslems and Copts, see: Irene Beeson, Guardian, London, 6/24/80, and Desmond Stewart, Middle East Internmational, London 6/6/80. For other reports see Pamela Ann Smith, Guardian, London, 12/24/79; The Christian Science Monitor 12/27/79 as well as Al Dustour, London, 10/15/79; El Kefah El Arabi, 10/15/79. “The idea was to destabilize the region and control the oil. “I walked out of there pretty upset,” said retired four star U.S. General Wesley Clark. On a second visit, he learned more. He was told plans were to “destroy the governments.” He was stunned by what he heard. America intended multiple premeditated wars. “Policymakers want the Middle East destabilized. They want it redrawn. They want unchallenged U.S. control. They want America’s military might used destructively. They want it used “to start wars and change governments. It’s not to deter conflicts,” said Clark. “It’s not about liberation and spreading democracy.” And he named seven countries targeted for takeovers which he saw in top secret documents in the U.S. Pentagon including Arab countries, Persian countries, and African countries. General Smedley Darling Butler exposed the same thing against Latin American and Asian countries. Edward Snowden exposed the same against the EU and Latin American countries. EVERY government, religion, and country is being attacked, divided, deceived, and pitted against not only each other, but even themselves, in an effort to further this Zionist evil now revealed. Again, how they do it is no longer a secret: “Israel must follow through with the policies it has pursued since the inception of Zionism, seeking to purchase local agents among factions and communal groups who will assert themselves against other such communities at Israel’s behest.” ~ Zionist Oded Yinon. They hate, and want to exploit, divide, enslave, and/or sacrifice us ALL! John Perkins and Edward Snowden exposed HOW this heinous evil now-exposed spies on even so-called allies, controls the Western media, falsifies news and paperwork, and seeks to indebt, divide, threaten, manipulate, and control every government, economy, religion, country, region, man, woman, and child on the planet (in the American judicial system as Josselyn Radack, Frederick Whitehurst, Dr. Les Sachs, Ted Gunderson, and so many others have now exposed; and in the media as former CIA Director William Colby exposed, and in the U.S. created and controlled World Bank as Karen Hudes and John Perkins exposed. It is exemplified in the Veterans Affair scandals, Child Youth Services scandals, IRS scandals, judicial scandals, banking scandals, all exposed recently, they think we are ALL expendable, replaceable lives and mere dollar sign for this evil global agenda against EVERY government, religion, economy, country, region, man, woman, and child on the planet. And if we don’t put our differences aside and unite (religions, countries, governments, and populations) against this common enemy now revealed; then they’re right. Fighting each other only produces more arms sales and helps their plan). “Were paid – well paid – to cheat countries around the globe out of billions of dollars. My job is to encourage world leaders to become part of a vast network that promotes United States commercial interests. In the end, those leaders become ensnared in a web of debt that ensures their loyalty. We can draw on them whenever we desire—to satisfy our political, economic, or military needs. Meanwhile, the owners of U.S. engineering and construction companies become very wealthy. If an economic hit man is completely successful, the loans are so large that the debtor, the recipient country, is forced to default on its payments after a few years. When this happens—like the mafia—we demand our pound of flesh. This often includes one or more of the following: Control over their United Nations votes, the installation of military bases in their countries, or access to precious resources.” ~ John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Chapter 2. “The loans of foreign aid ensure that todays children and their grandchildren will be held hostage. They will have to allow our corporations to ravage their natural resources and will have to forego education, health, and other social services merely to pay us back. The fact that our own companies already received most of this money to build the power plants, airports, and industrial parks does not factor into this formula. Does the excuse that most Americans are unaware of this constitute innocence? Uninformed and intentionally misinformed, yes--but innocent?” ~ (Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Chapter 8). John Perkins was for many years one of the worlds top economists. He worked directly with the heads of the World Bank, IMF, and other global financial institutions. John Perkins says as an economic hit man, he was charged with inducing developing countries to borrow large amounts of money, designated to pay for questionable infrastructure investments, but ultimately with a view to making the debt-laden countries more dependent, economically and politically, upon the West. He was told in confidential meetings with special consultant to the company Claudine Martin that he had two primary objectives: 1. He was supposed to justify huge loans for countries. These loans would be for major engineering and construction projects, which were to be carried out by MAIN and other U.S. companies such as Bechtel, Halliburton, Stone & Webster and Brown & Root. 2. He was supposed to help bankrupt the countries that received these loans after the U.S. companies involved had been paid. This would make sure that these countries would remain in debt to their creditors and would then be easy targets when the U.S. needed favors such as military bases, UN votes and exploitation of natural resources like oil, gas, diamonds, agriculture, water rights, and mineral deposits all for U.S. profits. The U.S. State Department released an attempt to discredit John Perkins by stating that the NSA is a cryptological (codemaking and codebreaking) organization, not an economic organization and that its missions do not involve anything remotely resembling placing economists at private companies in order to increase the debt of foreign countries. In a 2014 interview with Germanys ARD TV channel, the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden exposed the agency would spy on government leaders and big companies that competed with US firms seeking to manipulate the economy, threaten foreign governments, and harm foreign companies. Just as China, India, France, Spain, Germany, Greece, Bahrain, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, Nigeria, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Philippines, and many others have now discovered first-hand in the last twelve months. There isn’t a country on the planet not being spied on, lied to, and threatened at this very moment and all by the exact same entity now exposed! “I don’t want public attention because I don’t want the story to be about me. I want it to be about what the US government is doing… I do not expect to see home again. I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things… I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions, but I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant… My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them. Yes, I could be rendered by the CIA. I could have people come after me. Or any of the third-party partners. They work closely with a number of other nations. Or they could pay off the Triads. Any of their agents or assets,” he said. Having watched the Obama administration prosecute whistleblowers at a historically unprecedented rate, he fully expects the US government to continue to attempt to use all its weight to punish him. “I am not afraid,” he said calmly, “You can’t wait around for someone else to act”. So now that we know who is doing it and how, what is the agenda? “Theres basically two principles that define the U.S. Administration policies: stuff the pockets of your rich friends with dollars, and increase your control over the world. Almost everything follows from that. If you happen to blow up the world, well, you know, its somebody elses business. Stuff happens as Rumsfeld said.” ~ MIT Professor Noam Chomsky Samuel Huntington and others, observed that -- in the major journals, Foreign Affairs -- that in most of the world, much of the world, the United States is regarded as the leading rogue state and the greatest threat to their existence. “I love my country, not my government.” ― Former Navy Seal and Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura “If Americans cannot gather the strength to defend their own rights and make their country into a truly democratic and peace loving country (rather than the current dictatorship and an international bully), then it will take much more unity in the world to defeat this fascist entity from the outside. The whole world should then forget about their petty differences and unite against this pariah, which is the greatest danger facing the human race today.” ~ Petar Makara, “The NWO and the Evil Empire”
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 14:39:06 +0000

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