MADAM SIA NYAMA KOROMA IS INCOMPARABLE TO ALL THE PAST FIRST LADIES IN MAMA SALONE. READ THE PIECE BELOW AND PROVE ME RIGHT OR WRONG. Our First First Lady The wife of Sir Milton Margai is shrouded in secrecy. No one really has a picture of how she looks or what she was engaged in. Some say the wife of Sir Milton Margai is a Scottish woman who was married to our premier while he was engaged in his medical studies in the UK.There is nothing in history about what work our first First Lady did in bringing independence to Sierra Leone or what she did while prime minister of the new state of Sierra Leone. With such a scarcity of information, it is not hard to conclude that the first First Lady under the First Republic was a none person. In other words a none performer. Elusive Mrs. Milton Margai When Sir Milton died, Albert his half brother took over as premier and ruled for the remaining two and half years before he was defeated in the 1967 general elections. When Albert assumed officer, he was the only actor on his political stage and even the issue of First lady was down played. There is no proper record of any First Lady in the period of Albert Margai, not to talk of an active one. It was a period of macho politicking in which women were only seen clapping and singing welcome songs rather than as policy influencers or advocates. Thus the position of First lady has been a silent one. Aunty Rebecca’s Days If you study a snap shot of Siaka Stevens, the first president of Sierra Leone while performing official public functions, you might see a lady lurking in the back dressed in a serene and quite attire. That is Madam Rebecca Steven, wife of Siaka Stevens and one time First Lady of Sierra Leone. Aunty Rebecca, as she was known to those close to the First Family was known as a quiet woman who was always seen tailing her husband but never seen partaking in functions on her own. One might tend to blame Mama Rebecca for being so quiet but the times seem to dictate the mood and those were not easy times for the right of the woman. Siaka Stevens did a lot of community works all over the country, and he was mostly accompanied by Madam Rebecca in all these endearvours. Peaceful Hannah Momoh History will certainly be silent over Hannah Momoh’s activities as a First Lady. To many people, Hannah Momoh was a sad woman who found herself occupying a seat which she was not enjoying. The only memorable act which Hannah Momoh ever did was to vacate her State matrimonial home and stay in London where she remained till her death. Military Gloria Strasser Lady Gloria Strasser, the nurse who overnight becameFirst Lady of Sierra Leone in April of 1992 at a hastily arranged marriage when his soldier boy friend became head of state will only be remembered for her photo as a sucking mother promoting breast feeding. Gloria Strasser in the giddy days of the ‘Revolution’ was more of a symbol to give legitimacy to a 27 year old head of state who was still doubtful of his power.Gloria Strasser was not a woman who was comfortable with her position and when her husband was toppled in a palace coup, little was heard of this lady anymore. The only stories left after Gloria Strasser exited the political scene was that she had taken all the money given to her by her husband and had fled. In the time of Gloria Starrer, First Ladies were not even seen let alone running an office. It was just a matter of engaging in shopping sprees in London New York and France with ill gotten money at the detriment of the nation’s development. The NPRC Babies Was there ever a First Lady under Julius Maada Bio, the self styled general who promoted himself from Lieutenant even though he never attended any war college not to talk of an officer cadet school? There was a woman who was said to be the First Lady, but in the times of horror, of killing and extrajudicial executions, not all women will be willing to be seen with these sorts of guys though they are willing to share the loot. Because of the nature of how power passed from Strasser to Maada Bio, there was a lot of suspicion on the minds of all. The fear was that there might be a counter coup from loyalists of Valentine Strasser and so Bio’s First Lady preferred to stay in the closet rather than be seen. Lady Patricia Kabbah First Lady Patricia Kabbah will always be remembered as the woman who tried to set up an office to run her own affairs, but was hindered as a result of interference from SLPP party stalwarts who seem to have control over her husband. As a lawyer, and a trained administrator Madam Patricia Kabbah tried to work side by side with her husband but in an era of power politics, everyone was trying to assert power. Patricia Kabbah was ahead of her times, and the male dominated SLPP ruling party was not ready to give place to any woman, even the wife of the president. Source: Awareness Times 2013
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 11:52:13 +0000

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