MAGIC & SORCERY. These are a couple of the most common words - TopicsExpress


MAGIC & SORCERY. These are a couple of the most common words clients use to describe their results on my programs. My allegiance to Lucifer not withstanding it just SEEMS like magic after struggling to adhere to some restrictive, low calorie plan for so long without seeing any progress... and then suddenly achieving great results seemingly effortlessly by ditching all the rules and eating more, without any restrictions on food choices. Its not that theres anything magical or special about my approach, other than that it simply allows your body to function and thrive the way it is designed to. These other restrictive, low carb, no carb or whatever other stupid fkn nonsense the diet industry has popularised... all of them are based on the misguided notion that the best way to build a lean, healthy and attractive body condition is by depriving, robbing and starving it of the resources that it requires to thrive. It doesnt even make sense. And yet... its what EVERYONE believes, even as they only get further and further away from their goal. Your body requires a certain amount of resources in order to support good health and great results from training at your goal weight. ENERGY is one of those resources, just as important as any other. Now... obviously we all know what happens when theres more energy than your body can find a use for... it gets stored as fat. To produce results from training though, what makes more sense? Providing enough energy to allow the body to thrive, to recover and adapt favourably to training? Or restricting to as little energy intake as possible and forcing the body to find some other way to adapt and survive for example as it would have to during a famine, or imprisonment in some kind of work camp or something? Stop thinking harder, more restrictive, requiring more will power and discipline means better results. Stop thinking going without the pleasure of enjoying your favourite foods earns better results. IT DOESNT. Train smarter and provide sufficient resources to reap the rewards. Everything else is a distraction designed to keep moving you further from your goal and forking over more and more money for one pseudo-scientific solution after another.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 01:21:56 +0000

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