MAJOR UPDATE (VIDEO): DHS INSIDER: CONFIRMS EVERYTHING I SUSPECTED! THIS IS ALL 100% ORCHESTRATED BY OBAMA & CO. CONFIRMS SHOOTINGS INTENDED TO BRING IN MARTIAL LAW! CONFIRMS MORE POLICE ARE GOING TO DIE… OBAMA UPSET SITUATION IS NOT IGNITING FAST ENOUGH! EXPECT AN ATTEMPT SOON TO SILENCE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA (ME) After reading many of the most recent articles about the rising tensions between the “Reverend” Al Sharpton led protests all across the country and the police, I can’t help but notice the authors tone or choice of words that is present in each one. Every article leaves the reader with a universal message: The second coming of Christ is about the only thing that is going to deescalate the situation, and even that might not do it. 2015 LOOKS TO RING IN WITH A FAMILIAR DRUMBEAT: WAR! ONLY THE BATTLEFIELD IS RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR DOOR! Anyone remember who’s been egging on this fight about race for some time now? Hmmm. We know ERIC HOLDER’S DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE GAVE FINANCIAL BACKING TO TRAYVON MARTIN RALLIES FIRST. Later, after the Michael Brown shooting took place, ERIC HOLDER AGAIN INSERTED HIMSELF AND SENT “COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS” TO HELP WITH THE RACE PROTESTS IN FERGUSON. ONE FERGUSON GANG LEADER EVEN CLAIMS HOLDER PAID HIM AND HIS GANG TO ACTUALLY START RIOTS. Now, do you remember who elevated a man as vile as Al Sharpton to the pedestal he now sits on as some ambassador to something or another for the White House? That would be Obama. When things started to get really HOT in Ferguson, it was OBAMA WHO TOLD SHARPTON TO, “STAY THE COURSE,” and we saw how well that worked out. READ ON... MUCH MORE... WATCH VIDEO!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:00:01 +0000

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