MAJORITY LEADER PAT SULLIVAN EMAIL TEMPLATE & PHONE NUMBER: Please note that templates are more effective if you reword them a little with your own writing style. (360) 786-7858 Sullivans office [email protected] The Honorable Pat Sullivan, House Majority Leader LEG 339A PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504-0600 Rep. Sullivan, Im writing to express my deep concern and disappointment over the actions of a member of your caucus, Rep. Laurie Jinkins. As you know, several bills designed to protect the Second Amendment and State Constitutional rights of 2.3 million Washington gun owners, such as HB1245 and HB1193, were filed at the beginning of this session. I contacted my representatives to urge their support for these bills, only to be informed they are unlikely to ever see the House floor because the Judicial Committee Chair, Rep. Laurie Jinkins, will not allow them to proceed. I care about HB1245 because it is clear that I-594 was bought and paid for by the money of millionaires and billionaires, a perversion of our election system that sets a dangerous precedent for the future of democracy in state government. I care about HB1193 because, despite the protestations of the I-594 campaign to the contrary, I-594 took a giant step toward a universal state gun registry by requiring the same state reporting forms be submitted for all private gun sales that were formerly necessary only in new gun purchases in gun shops. A universal gun registry is a bright line that is completely unacceptable to gun owners. There are other bills I support as well, too numerous to mention here. Word has spread among gun owners that Rep. Jinkins is a member of a national group, the American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention. Based upon her membership in an organization committed to advancing gun control legislation, it seems plain that Rep. Jinkins intends to use her authority as Chair to place her personal agenda over the will of 2.3 million Washingtonians by denying bills about which they care deeply the most basic of all our freedoms, a vote. To say this seems an undemocratic disenfranchisement of millions of Washington State voters is an understatement. I have called and written to Rep. Jinkins to make my feelings about this matter known, but have not received the courtesy of a reply despite my repeated requests. I therefore am writing to you in the hope that you will intervene to protect my rights as a citizen and Washingtonian. I seek only the basic fairness and justice which is supposed to be the birthright of all Americans in their dealings with their government. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. Sincerely,
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:09:42 +0000

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