MAKE TECHNICAL GAMELAN GONG Kebyar In the manufacture of - TopicsExpress


MAKE TECHNICAL GAMELAN GONG Kebyar In the manufacture of Gamelan Gong Kebyar there are some things that need to be provided include: Perapen Preparing materials gamelan bars Preparing materials gamelan tungguh Preparing materials resonator Finishing materials for tungguh gamel 1.1.Perapen Perapen dalah a a a furnace or fireplace that will be used to perform mixing or casting metal filigree that will be made blades gamelan. The filigree is combined with a mixture of tin Copper alloys have been adjusted so that the blades get lentingan gamelan sounds nice and loud. Besides, to get the good sound also depends on the hardware and whether or not a plating or heating done in the fireplace. In the foundry will need tools that will be baked together with tin and copper materials such sebagasi casting tool that is in the call of Moses, Moses is made of clay. Further material is needed to make the coals are made of wood and charcoal from coconut shells, while the wood is usually used for making charcoal that will be made of materials are wood-fired frangipani, mango wood, wood naughty, pine wood. Adapunkeunggulan selected wood is so that embers that had been lit when in the pile with the casting material is not easy mengempes. Then to make a fire in order to maintain power in the fuel it will need a tool that is often called pengelamusan yangmana pengelamusan this kind of wind pump that can generate bursts of wind to blow embers so that the flames never die as long as casting takes place. Then later if adequate materials in the mix has been at the melting point is determined then some alatpun in need to lift is an iron tongs, then pour the mixture into the molding tool yangmana sebual these tools are usually made from ground slab / face whose size has been set according to the type of gamelan blades that will be created. However, after the process is completed the work in the furnace was not over yet because there is still some work to be done in the hearth of which is to do the gilding of the filigree castings slats to create the shape and also to make the filigree castings become solidified because in the process it should use lasim paddle plates called hammer / hammer rather large size. If the plate is over then usailah job was done in the fireplace, and will proceed with the process. 1.2. The process of establishment of a sound In this process is a very important process in the manufacture of blades gamelan, because in this process will be done in the process of establishing the type of sound / Saur blades which in Balinese gamelan notes in particular has some kind of tone them and Selendro Pelog tone, while dimasing- each of these tones are also various types of high-low tone. In that regard it is very important in this process because the prosesini we can determine what type of gamelan sound we want. The process is: If we want to create a tone that is somewhat low, we had to scrape the blade gamelan to be thinned and if we want to rise or high tone then we cut the blades so that the blade becomes shorter. In this process there is also a process to make blades gamelan to be shiny then this process will be in need of a tool that is abrasive when that is currently in use grinding lasimnya. Keep in the know in this process for anyone who would do this work to use a mask covering the nose this was done because of the dust that flew matrial result of this process is extremely dangerous to the health of these numbers has been recognized by several speakers who know about this. After the formation of the sound in each of the blades is the next stage in the process of making tungguh implemented gamelan. 2.1. Preparing materials Gamelan blades As was noted above, in the manufacture of blades gamelan there are several things to note in preparing these materials include blades, Copper, copper should be used that has a good quality or often called the type of copper TS / Copper Super . Similarly, tin tin should be made thereof who are new or have never used a tool or a used tin that is usually found on the vehicle batteries. To note that these numbers in a raw material mixing to avoid mistakes that can cause blades gamelan sound quality less than the maximum. 3.1. Prepare materials baahan tungguh Gamelan In terms of preparing tungguh gamelan there are a few things to note include wood that will be used as tungguh gamelan. The wood used should have a good quality, hard, dense, has no fibers break easily and is easy to do in the manufacturing process. According to the informant called I Made Rindhi along I Wayan Supartha son who is a gamelan craftsmen, based in the village of Gianyar Belahbatuh said timber which used to make gamelan tungguh is jackfruit wood / tewel, it is said that the wood fiber quality is very solid and not easily broken when the timber was carved later. There is also a resource person named I Made Arjo, based in the village of Belahbatuh who currently works as a carpenter that specifically work on gamelan tungguh said that jackfruit wood is easier to do and have good quality in the sense that the timber is not easy beruba size when dalap the drying process and the formation tungguh. In sisilain there are also other sources that I Ketut Kumara (late), which is located in the village of Sading, Badung, who understand the philosophy of jackfruit wood worth saying that the jackfruit wood made in shrines and the like, he also said that the gamelan is a merry meeting barungan Ida Batara or there is ngelinggihin, it is also revealed in a copy of a book called PRAKEMPA yangmana Ejection of this book published by Dr. I Made Bandem. In katakannya also by I Ketut Kumara (late) jackfruit wood is a Supreme Patih between the wood there, then he also said that jackfruit wood has sworn allegiance to termites, therefore jackfruit wood in place on the ground if not consumed by termites . Hence began long ago to the present jackfruit wood in use as the manufacture tungguh gamelan. But there are also some other craftsmen using wood that may have a basis other considerations such as lighter when picked up and so on. 3.2. Process tungguh Gamelan Furthermore, after the accumulation of materials tungguh gamelan, then start to process than tungguh itself, ranging from cleaning materials in a way in drawstring, and then on to back a mall in order to create a line of basics / upright tungguh engraving of the same with the other. This is because in barungan dilakukaan gamelan gong Kebyar there are several types of the same size and shape of them, two giying the same size, the same size duabuah jegogan, two jublag the same size, four pemade the same size, kantilan four pieces of equal size, two kenyur / penyacah the same size, and some aadeg-adeg reong along trompong the same size. Then, as so in the form of kekupakan / lelengisan the next process is the process of finishing or semi lasim called by the tungguh engraving process. To make the atmosphere of the orchestra barungan the process was then act, in which the tenants in order to pour the entire inspiration barungan gamelan will look magnificent and contains various meanings of the types of carvings, it mustered the expression of an informant named I Made Wetlands of berpropesi as artisan carving tungguh which is located in the village gamelan Belahbatuh. Given the length of this process rather than on the sidelines of the time we can use to prepare for or carry out other processes. 4.1. Preparing materials Resonator Resonator recent sentence may be seen in various types of books the artists that particular study discusses the gamelan, but in ancient times resonator tube in question is called battens which lasimnya pelawah. At this stage also needs to know that we chose good material, this should be done carefully and precisely because of the sound emitted by the blades merupaakan gamelan organs with pelawah unity itself. The materials of the resonator in the mean is Bamboo old and which has been dried beforehand. After getting the material we are going to step in a process of determining yangmana voice in this process we must have an auditory acuity. Whats wrong with us ?? hearing. 4.2. The process of making Ressonator / Pelawah When entering the manufacturing process of this resonator, it has arrived at the most important process after a process that has been described above. Therefore in this process can be said Pinal jury in the manufacture gamelan as well as having enough knowledge in understanding a tone, it is also necessary auditory acuity to detect tones in the desired accuracy. In this process is also very risky occurrence of errors that resulted in a successful manufacturing of gamelan, therefore let have full patience in this process. In this process would also be the formation of a tone that is often called tone PENGUMBANG and PENGISEP, because in tones barungan Balinese gamelan Gamelan Gong in particular Kebyar have Pengumbang tone and Pengisep. Pengumbang tone and sound the pengisep if at the same time it will produce a sound wave that vibrates like a groan, and vice versa if the tone at the same time have the tone or pitch in at only pengisep or just tone pengumbang the tune that will be generated is bumpy thought that sounded like a voice from a distance. At the time of the formation of tone / lath gamelan there are some things you can do that, if you want to lower your voice, the resonator we make rather long, which means that the volume of the resonator is extended by sliding sekatan resonator holes if made of PVC, and vice versa if you want to make the sound higher then the volume of the resonator in a little by sliding behind the sekatan. Another thing you need to know is also in each of the gamelan blades require different holes, which, in principle, the smaller the blade the less volume in need and vice versa if the width or size of the blade, the greater the volume resonator is needed. In the making of this resonator is sometimes also find it difficult to gamelan blade size and width where the greatest difficulty it is not achieving the resonator tone is needed by the blades distance itself from loss of available volume in the sense of making a low tone, as sekatan of the resonator has reached the low point sekatan maximum so it can not slide anymore / tungguh gamelan stuck at the bottom. Then this problem can be solved by means make suwer tube at the top of the resonator is tepatnta underneath the bar gamelan. This was done in order to narrow down the hole so that the capacity of the resonator can generate very lower tone, with a record of how thick we had to make in order to achieve divulging suwer the same tone with the blade itself. In this process which requires a pendengartan sharpness or sensitivity will be required at the time of formation and pengumbang pengisep tone, because the tone is very thin pengisep and pengumbang difference as an example of the tone pengumbang deng pengisep tone is needed is expected in tone between deung ????? . Similarly, the distance and pengisep pengumbang tone on the other blades. After completing the process of making this resonator, the resonator is the process of installation in each tungguh gamelan, and in this stage perlujuga noticed the rope that will be used to hang the gamelan bars to keep the cord is in use in accordance with the size of the blades gamelan will be hanged, it is in need if it will make a gamelan with the blade in a hanging position, and if you want to make gamelan in particular regarding lion king stiil the things you need to know is to measure the distance of the hole because the blades are generally derived gamelan barungan from the Lion King using nails as the handle bar of the gamelan, this haaaal to note that the gamelan bars walkin depressed existence which means it can vibrate freely so as to produce a tone that has a long tone. If bilag gamelan in pairs by means of hanging it in need square or pieces of bamboo that has been in a long round shape it is in use or tuck the strap folds in the insert in the blade hole and then pull in order to tighten in ikatkat on left and right sides of the tungguh, and vice versa if the blades are not in suspension, the required materials made of rubber in order to hold the bar which is located underneath the bar exactly on the nail buffer strip. For finishing 5.1.Bahan tungguh Gamelan The final stage of the process of making this gamelan is finishing stages that give color to the gamelkan tungguh that add color semaraknnya barungan this Kebyar gamelan gong. Talking about the color which we all know, that barungan Balinese gamelan and gongs padaumumnnya Kebyar on khususnnya using gold or often called Prade. In this case needs to know, coloring a gamelan tungguh should know the least about the carving itself, because the carving is not the same shape or have a different characteristic between carving barungan with each other. Regarding engraving, slightly alluded to in this paper is on some kind of carving among other types of engraving Sari Patra, Patra Punggel kind carvings, Patra Sai, etc. In the carving is said to appear on the side, which means that a particular finishing process gives color prade kind should not appear on the side that aims to clarify the carved patterns when viewed from a little distance away. To clarify the looks side is usually given the base color prade shaking or that have a different color with the color prade itunsendiri as that already used the colors red or blue. As a final provision of color to make the color prade be shiny then the final stages of this process is to spray a liquid that is often called CLEAR finish that is also useful for protective color.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 11:48:06 +0000

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