MAPS OF ANCIENT IRAQ RIVERS PROVE PRE-DELUGE ETS HERE by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) Excerpt from “ANUNNAKI: LEGACY OF THE GODS, Techno-Savvy ET s From the Planet Nibiru Who Came For Gold, Created Us From Their Genome to Work the Mines, Posed As Gods, Decided to Let Us Drown, But Then Decided to Breed Us to Work For Them” NIBIRANS MAPPED EDEN’S RIVERS—Though BURIED & MOVED. Ancient Iraqis--called Sumerians--wrote on cuneiform tablets that the giant (8 - 12 foot-tall) Homo Sapien ET goldminers from the planet Nibiru--whom the Sumerians called Anunnaki--People-From-the-Sky--re-populated Earth with survivors descended from the preferred lines of Earthling slaves. 300,000 years ago, to work their African goldmines, the Anunnaki engineered the original line of slaves from their own genome, especially from the genes of their Chief Scientist, Enki and his son, Ningishzidda. Enki added mitocondrial DNA from his sister Ninmah and a little clay, copper and genetic material from Homo Erectus (ancestor of modern Bigfoot). 200,000 years ago, Enki added more of his genes to create a mating pair of Earthlings that bred his surviving son, Ka-in. Ka-ins descendants wound up surviving the Deluge of 11,000 B.C. on rafts on lake Titicaca atop the Andes. In the Eastern Mediterranean area, Enki had saved his recently begotten half-breed Nibiran-Earthling son, Noah, as well as Noahs descendants and followers from the Deluge, and set about with them dredging Iraq. They re-dug beds for two of Iraqs rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. The Anunnaki told the Sumerians that 440,000 Earth years ago, when the Expedition had set up operations in Iraq, much of the land that once fronted their settlement at Basara, Iraq (on the Persian Gulf), rests now under the sea. But (unlike what the two rivers they dug for the Sumerians), 440,000 years ago, FOUR RIVERS RAN THROUGH IRAQ, not just the Tigris and Euphrates we see today. When the Nibirans made planetfall at Basara, the Tigris and Euphrates joined the Genon (Karun) river, which ran through Iran and joined the Euphrates. There had been four rivers, they said. Scientists of the last century saw only two rivers running through Basara, and dismissed the idea of two other rivers running through the area. But in 2010, ultrasound showed the Tigris, Euphrates and GEHON, further south, joined the PISHON River to make the four rivers of Sumer. Sumer’s four rivers then flowed together into the Gulf. OBSERVATIONS OF ANCIENT IRAQ RIVERS PROVE PRE-DELUGE ET PRESENCE HERE by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.) Excerpt from “Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods, Techno-Savvy ET s From the Planet Nibiru Who Came For Gold, Created Us From Their Genome to Work the Mines, Posed As Gods, Decided to Let Us Drown, But Then Decided to Breed Us to Work For Them” Ancient Iraqis–called Sumerians–wrote on cuneiform tablets that the giant (8 – 12 foot-tall) Homo Sapien ET goldminers from the planet Nibiru–whom the Sumerians called “Anunnaki–People-From-the-Sky–re-populated Earth with survivors descended from the preferred lines of Earthling slaves. 300,000 years ago, to work their African goldmines, the Anunnaki engineered the original line of slaves from their own genome, especially from the genes of their Chief Scientist, Enki and his son, Ningishzidda. Enki added mitocondrial DNA from his sister Ninmah and a little clay, copper and genetic material from Homo Erectus (ancestor of modern Bigfoot). 200,000 years ago, Enki added more of his genes to create a mating pair of Earthlings that bred his surviving son, Ka-in. Ka-in’s descendants wound up surviving the Deluge of 11,000 B.C. on rafts on lake Titicaca atop the Andes. In the Eastern Mediterranean area, Enki had saved his recently begotten half-breed Nibiran-Earthling son, Noah, as well as Noah’s descendants and followers from the Deluge, and set about with them dredging Iraq. They re-dug beds for two of Iraq’s rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. The Anunnaki told the Sumerians that 440,000 Earth years ago, when the Expedition had set up operations in Iraq, much of the land that once fronted their settlement at Basara, Iraq (on the Persian Gulf), rests now under the sea. But (unlike what the two rivers they dug for the Sumerians), 440,000 years ago, FOUR RIVERS RAN THROUGH IRAQ, not just the Tigris and Euphrates we see today. When the Nibirans made planetfall at Basara, the Tigris and Euphrates joined the Genon (Karun) river, which ran through Iran and joined the Euphrates. There had been four rivers, they said. Scientists of the last century saw only two rivers running through Basara, and dismissed the idea of two other rivers running through the area. But in 2010, ultrasound showed the Tigris, Euphrates and GEHON, further south, joined the PISHON River to make the four rivers of Sumer. Noah’s flood of 13,000 years ago had buried the Pishon with mud. The Anunnaki, dismissed last century as mythical gods, were clearly space travelers, geneticists and real, flesh-and-blood people with advanced technology. They reported what they saw. Our ancestors wrote what the Anunnaki said they saw. Modern technology has validated the geographical observations–and astronomical, chemical, geographical, mathematical and medicinal information the Anunnaki, via Sumerian scribes, have left us. When we need scientific hypotheses, Anunnaki observations give us initial suggestions we should explore. Learn more, click the hotlink below: enkispeaks/2014/02/02/observations-of-ancient-iraq-rivers-prove-pre-deluge-et-presence-here/
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 20:17:07 +0000

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