MARIA WOODWORTH-ETTER “THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF HER TEACHINGS” Compiled by Roberts Liardon “MEETINGS LEAVE DALLAS WITH A NEW SPIRITUAL HERITAGE” Page 30-31 . “The stretching of the tent stakes in terms of moving beyond the Midwest would come with an invitation to Dallas, Texas. Accepting the invitation from the then young, pastor F.F. Bosworth she would start her meeting in July. They would run through December with thousands coming from as far as 2,000 miles bringing the sick and afflicted with them. Every manner of sickness was healed. One man came with three broken ribs, was unable to stand upright and flinched in pain at Mother Etter’s touch. But with that touch the ribs were turned into place and healed completely. The proved it by beating his chest. Another man who could neither hear nor speak told of how Mother Etter ministered to him: “When Sister Etter put her finger in my mouth at the root of my tongue and then in my ears, commanding the ‘deaf and dumb’ spirit to come out, God instantly opened my ears and give me my voice.” One woman near death because of both tuberculosis and cancer many were worried she might die on her cot at the altar before Mother Etter even got to her. But upon receiving her healing she jumped up with a shout and attended the rest of the meetings seated upright amidst the congregation. Though she was still very thin and frail her friends report that she gained weight and improved daily. Bosworth, who would eventually be known not just as a pastor but as a great healing evangelist said of the meetings: “Night after night, as soon as the invitation was given, all the available space around the fifty-foot altar would be filled with so many suffering with diseases and afflictions and others seeking salvation and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, that it was difficult to get in and out among the seekers.”
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 11:44:33 +0000

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