MARITAL FORMATION 101 (106) – CONFLICT MANAGEMENT (PRE-SEASON) Who says it is a man’s world and why give excuses of ‘he is not allowing me grow’? Did he stop you from reading a book that can develop you? Don’t expect people to treat you right if you don’t even respect your mind. What is the worth of your mind? Many of us consistently abuse our minds with the information we stuff in there. The third dimension you must work on is your PHYSICAL dimension, which is your relationship with your body and health. We see pot-bellied men and wonder who is actually pregnant: him or his wife? Self-indulgence has robbed many of their health. There is what to eat and there is what not to eat; often times what we love to eat is what kills many of us. Burn the excess fat in your body so that you don’t look out of shape. How fit are you? The 3 critical ingredients your body needs to be healthy are: good nutrition, exercise, and rest. You can’t afford to be out of shape whether as a man or a woman. Discipline is critical when it comes to your physical fitness and above all, you need to be in touch with trends. How well do you take care of yourself and how elegant are you when you step out? It is not lady-like to walk anyhow. You need to learn to carry yourself well. You can’t turn your man on with your dirty wrapper or torn nightdress that you have refused to change forever. Same for men, you can’t expect her to give in when your bad breathe and body odour is repulsive. Spirituality isn’t the same as dirt. Take care of your body because your appearance is either a turn on or a turn off. To be continued. I honour you
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 05:43:42 +0000

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