MARVEL WIKI- THE ENCHANTRESS Amora the Enchantress is an - TopicsExpress


MARVEL WIKI- THE ENCHANTRESS Amora the Enchantress is an Asgardian goddess who is extremely experienced in the use of magic and is also skilled at seduction through supernatural means. She has been both an ally and an enemy to Thor, although she often chooses the latter. The Enchantress possesses the conventional attributes of an Asgardian woman (goddess), as well as a mastery over certain sorcerous disciplines. Her physical abilities include; superhuman strength as she is able to lift roughly 25 tons, along with enhanced speed, durability, agility, reflexes, and stamina. Amoras physiology also grants her an extremely long life span, as well as a regenerative healing factor. While she cannot regrow organs or limbs, she is immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections. The Enchantress magical powers are among the most powerful of all Asgardians. Her skill is high enough to rank her among the top twenty magical practitioners in all of Asgard. She able to utilize enough power, even in the Earthly realm, to cloud the sight of Agamotto through Doctor Stranges Orb and has bested Nightmare in his own dimension. The Enchantress powers derive from two main sources: her innate capacity to manipulate ambient Asgardian magical energy, honed through practice, and her acquired knowledge of Asgardian spells and enchantments. She can use her sorcery to generate powerful blasts of concussive force, heat, or light. She can also alter her appearance, taking the shape of other humanoid beings or teleport herself and others across great distances. The Enchantress has used her mystical prowess to enhance her natural beauty and allure so that both men and women, mortal or otherwise, are overwhelmed with desire for her. She has enchanted her lips so that a single kiss is sufficient to make virtually any man a slave to her will for about a week. Thanks to her powers, Amora was able to seduce the majority of Asgards most experienced mystical practitioners in order to learn their secrets. Subsequent kisses have enabled her to dominate someones will indefinitely. Her knowledge of arcane lore enables her to cast spells with a variety of specific effects. The many spells she has employed include telepathy, illusion-casting, paralysis, deflection of matter and energy, inter-dimensional travel, time control, sleep induction, and elemental conversion. Once, at the maximum peak of her magic, Amora’s transmutation enchantment upon the Black Knight changed him into a statue, which not even Doctor Strange could break for an extended period of time.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 04:24:15 +0000

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