MAYDAY 五月天 ANNOUNCEMENT Unfortunately due to the weather - TopicsExpress


MAYDAY 五月天 ANNOUNCEMENT Unfortunately due to the weather condition in Asia, Shipment of technical equipments to Europe for Mayday concert is severely affected, and Mayday has been forced to postpone their September 2013 European tour. With the assistance from Live Nations, the new dates are set at 21 Feb 2014 for London, and 23rd Feb 2014 for Paris. Netherland and Germany dates and more ticketing details will be announced once we have the venue secured. We regret any inconvenience caused. Customers are advised to contact their point of original ticket purchase for a full refund and will be notified as soon as more details for the remaining dates and ticketing information have been confirmed. If further assistance is needed due to the postponement, please send your queries to BinMusicLife@gmail and we shall attend to you in a timely manner. Thanks for your understanding! [諾亞方舟歐美巡迴最新消息] [ 原訂 ] 諾亞方舟 - 歐洲航線,船期延期異動: 9/19 英國 9/22 荷蘭 9/24 法國 9/26 德國 此四場次因亞洲天氣與颱風因素,導致原裝器材、螢幕與舞台設備之原訂運輸船期延宕。經當地演出主辦公司Live Nation審慎評估後,歐洲巡演確認延至 2014年,已定最新日期如下: 2/21 英國 2/23 法國 荷蘭&德國最新演出日期、各場確切演出時間地點及售票日期等資訊細節,確認後將儘速一併公告。美日等國際航線也在安排中,不便之處敬請見諒。 請已購票的朋友,可向原購票單位辦理全額退票事宜。 *[100%滿意服務] 若因票務問題或場次延期,產生其他損失,請聯絡相信音樂:BinMusicLife@gmail 留下您的相關問題及聯絡資訊,我們將有專人處理。謝謝。 此次為確保演出硬體品質,造成各位朋友的困擾,相信音樂致上十二萬分的歉意。
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 10:44:32 +0000

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