MAYOR SCOTT GRUENDL ANNOUNCES INITIATIVES TO MOVE CHICO FORWARD AT CANDIDATE FORUM Chico, CA - A number of steps have been taken to improve the financial health of the city and the Mayor introduced four initiatives to move the city forward. The initiatives are as follows: Initiative 1: Keep the Promise. I will work with the Council and City Administration to make good on existing promises. This means implement the police staffing plan and stay committed to our priority of law enforcement; continue to nurture and maintain partnerships created to help address our situation, which includes Team Chico, Clean & Safe, and the University to name a few; and we will continue to address the matter of homelessness. Initiative 2: Government in the New Normal. Establish a form of local government to address the new normal since traditional models are not sustainable. This includes rebuilding our organization and enhancing transparency; expanding community engagement and involvement; and today I announce my intent to establish a time limited task force of city and community members that will identify goals for organizational change, reform, and innovation for the City. We will be to local government what Wikipedia has been to the Internet – shift the paradigm of knowledge by assuring the common person’s right to information and its interpretation. Initiative 3: Strengthen Chico’s Middle Class. It is my intent to adopt a business expansion and recruitment strategy focused on the jobs needed to keep our 20 and 30 something olds gainfully employed, able to remain in Chico as young professionals, and the opportunity for them to raise their families here. Initiative 4: Leadership in Environmentalism and New Markets. Lastly, establish the goal of 100% diversion of the city’s waste stream. In this day and age there simply is no reason to perpetuate the liability of pollution or any possible justification of the losing financial proposition of maintaining a massive burial of waste in the ground. The costs of landfills clearly demonstrate that there is no market support for such an endeavor in fact it’s the opposite. The liability of waste must transition to the opportunity of tomorrow. The time is now to put an end to the insanity of landfills and traditional management of municipal waste streams by expanding market opportunities that transform the world of waste into the new century of commodities. A century in which liabilities become assets that result in cost reductions to private markets for materials, expands the value of recycling, creates new forms of energy, and not only spurs innovative entrepreneurialism, it becomes the model of change for the rest of the world. We will be leaders again.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 21:07:16 +0000

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