MCP Divided Over Chakwera And Msowoya’s Frequent Meetings With - TopicsExpress


MCP Divided Over Chakwera And Msowoya’s Frequent Meetings With President Mutharika A heavy storm is blowing in opposition Malawi Congress Party with two camps emerging of which one is accusing their President Lazarus Chakwera and the Speaker of Parliament Hon Richard Msowoya of being in good terms with Malawi President His Excellency Peter Mutharika while the other the camp, is in support of the move saying it’s favourable for national development. We have details that the MCP camp which among other officials includes Josephy Njobvuyalema, Juliana Lunguzi and Dzoole Mwale have expressed the presence of Chakwera in Mutharika’ meetings as a maturity of democracy and oneness , a factor that can contribute to national development. ‘’We have the duty to serve Malawians, we were voted into power to represent our people and for our goals to be achieved, there is no way we can leave government aside for 5 years. We are all Malawians aiming at developing this nation. We have no problem as MCP hearing that our president or speaker of parliament met the country’ president Mutharika as long as those meetings are aimed at improving our nation’’ said Njobvuyalema. On the other hand, a noise and unobjective camp being led by Jessie Kabwila is said to have no confidence with their president Lazarus Chakwera who they have accused of having private meetings with President Mutharika for 6 times since he attained the country’s presidency a move they have condemned as likely killing the party. MCP officials have made it clear that for the past few weeks, Chakwera has been spotted in President Mutharika’ functions which includes his wedding officiating and reception, not only that but also the recent dinner which was organised for the visiting Prime Minister from Norway. ‘’We want to make it known that MCP members are aware that our president Chakwera sneaks to meet President Mutharika privately, this is not a new thing as Chakwera was doing the same with Joyce Banda where he had been pocketing millions of kwacha for himself while weakening our party. As MCP, we are afraid that this conduct is likely to massacre our party. Why should rivals shares a common table? This is what killed AFORD,’ said Kabwila. In addition, for the past few weeks, Chakwera attended Mutharika’s wedding ceremony at Ndata in Thyolo on top of patronising several state banquet at the Kamuzu Palace. Kabwila who failed to attain the speakership is bitter with Msowoya who she said managed to get the speakership under the MCP ticket and its very pathetic that now Msowoya is winning and dinning with Mutharika. Social commentator and the Executive Director of Justice Link, Mr Justice Dzonzi has said its high time MCP must trade very carefully and be objective on issues of national interest. Our constitution provide a section for freedom of association and such being the case, there is nothing wrong with Chakwera or Msowoya meeting president Mutharika. This is no time for politics, it’s time to unite and rebuild the nation.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:20:01 +0000

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