Ukraine Update – 231128UTC Sept 14 - TopicsExpress

   Ukraine Update – 231128UTC Sept 14 More of the latest from Ukraine here and here ATO map, 23 Sept 14 (National Security and defense Council of Ukraine) ATO map, 21-22 Sept 14 (dragon-first-1.livejournal, pro-separatist, in Russian) “Ukraine rebels say they are withdrawing heavy artillery from front line in step toward peace” – more (European Commission news aggregator) “Connections militia in accordance with the agreements implemented a partial withdrawal of artillery units from the contact line. At LNR Ukrainian troops have also begun to partial removal of military equipment and artillery previously occupied positions ….” (, pro-separatist, in Russian) “Donetsk militia starts pulling back heavy weaponry under Minsk memorandum” (ITAR-TASS) “Russian envoy sees end to Ukraine crisis” (European Commission news aggregator) “OSCE adds 25 new monitors per week to Ukraine ceasefire mission” (ITAR-TASS) “Fighting flares at Ukraine’s Donetsk airport” (European Commission news aggregator) “Grave with beheaded bodies found on Ukrainian National Guard positions in eastern Ukraine“ (ITAR-TASS) “Ukraine strengthens defensive ability – President” (Press Service of the President of Ukraine, in Ukrainian) “The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine will draw up by December 2015 a new wording of Ukraine’s military doctrine and the program for the development of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This is stated in a plan on the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, which the Cabinet of Ministers approved on September 17, 2014 ….” ( “Fulfilled its obligations Ukraine – President of amnesty laws and the special regime for local government area of some districts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions” (Press Service of the President of Ukraine, in Ukrainian) “Ten injured participants departed ATO for further treatment to the Republic of Estonia” (Ministry of Defence, in Ukrainian) “In Lviv 69 families whose relatives were killed during the ATO will receive a one-time targeted assistance – From the regional budget Lvischyny financed over 8 million UAH (CDN $ 652,000)lump-sum payment to help 69 families whose relatives were killed during anti-terrorist operations. “These funds are listed Department of Social Welfare for further provision of RSA recipients. The size of that assistance per household is 120,500 UAH (CDN $9,800), considering taxation “, – said the director of the Department of Finance State Administration Oleg Demkiv ….” (Lviv Regional State Administration, in Ukrainian) “Basil Stoyetskyy: In Slavyansk fully restored electricity and water” (Press Service of the State Service of Ukraine of Emergencies, in Ukrainian) “Elections in Donbass to be held November 2 — Luhansk Republic legislature’s speaker” (ITAR-TASS) “Summaries of the militia of New Russia …. Since the last report (September 1), we have received assistance in the amount of 4 million. 770,000 Rubles (CDN $22,000). Remains at 1.3 million (CDN $37,000) ….” (Strelkov Facebook page, in Russian) “In the accounts of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine within the “Support the Ukrainian army” received 149 million UAH (CDN $12.1 million)” (Ministry of Defence, in Ukrainian) “Teachers and students of the National Academy of SBU held in the Central Military Hospital MOD Ukraine concert for the wounded during anti-terrorist operations soldiers ….“ (Security Service of Ukraine, in Ukrainian) “In Ukraine massively come Hasidic pilgrims. This year they celebrate the 5775 Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah, which runs from 24 to 26 September. In Uman, Cherkasy region expected arrival of pilgrims from 25 countries ….” (State Border Guard Service, in Ukrainian) “Director of Uman police talked with reporters about the readiness of law enforcement to protect public order during the celebration of Rosh Hashanah” (Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Ukrainian)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 11:33:47 +0000

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