MINIMUM WAGE IS GOING TO BE OUR FUTURE I am sure you heard - TopicsExpress


MINIMUM WAGE IS GOING TO BE OUR FUTURE I am sure you heard Obama on TV yesterday moaning that minumum wage is the way to the future.. And the liberal crowd goes wild!! Yeah, Im gonna make $10.10/hr and when I get to 145 years of age, Ill be rich, providing I have no children. Well, I dont know how many times I have destroyed that argument, but I am going to come at it from a different angle now.. The middle class.. In America, the Middle Class is anybody that makes between $25K to $75K/yr.. Now, there is lower middle, which is the $25K, Average middle, which is $50K and up and there is upper middle class which is $100K and up. Obama always talks a big game about getting people into middle class, but lets look at his numbers shall we??? If I make $10.10/hr, in a two week period, I have earned approx $808.00.. I will make approx $1616.00 a month and $19,392.00/yr... Not quite $25K... In financial terms, that is conidered IMPOVERISHED.. So, why does Obama and the liberals go around saying this ridiculousness?!?!?! Because there isnt a liberal that is going to pull out a calculator like I just did and realize, hey!! This does absolutely nothing for me.. But let me show you while Obamas big remedy to fix the economic problems of the country is raising Teenage wages, let me show you what he doesnt want you to know... THE MIDDLE CLASS IS SHRINKING.. Since Obama has gotten into office, the middle class has slowly begun to deteriorate.. In a AP article titled, More Americans see middle class status slipping it reveals what we have been suspecting this whole time.. We are losing money.. This article reveals that the Since 2008, the number of people who call themselves middle class has fallen in a survey in January by the Pew Research Center, from 53% to 44%. Now, 40% are now classified as either lower-middle or lower class as compared to 25% in February 2008. A poll in Gallup, the numbers are just as bad. The number of Americans who say theyre middle or upper-middle went down 8% etween 2008 and 2012, to 55%. And more recently, the National Opinion Research Centers General Social Survey found that the massive piece of Americans who thought of themselves as middle or working class, even as high at 88%, it is still the lowest in the surveys 40-year history. The number has fell 4% since the so called great recession in 2007. And as I said yesterday, when you have rich folks holding on to their money, what happens?? They get richer. While everybody is left motionless. The difference between the income earned by the richest 5% of Americans and by a median-income household has risen 24% in 30 years, according to the Census Bureau. Meaning Rich people are out pacing the regular folks.. So there you are.. While everyone who gets up and works a hard days work, trying to keep their house and car and save money so their kids can go to college.. What is Obama talking about?? Just enough money to where you can live off rice and spam for the rest of your life.. You guys are going to have to start paying attention sooner or later.. This is no joke.. We all are going to be working at $10.10/hr listening to Obamas nonsense..
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 23:27:07 +0000

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