MISSION LIFE WITH LOCKERBIE, 2013 - Go to new facts on ground ... - TopicsExpress


MISSION LIFE WITH LOCKERBIE, 2013 - Go to new facts on ground ... (google translation, german/english): Carry the defense under, Alistair Duff Solicitor and Advocate William Taylor. from the beginning - the MAIN BLAME - that the court in Kamp van Zeist (2000/2001) were declared Libya and the official, Abdelbaset al Megrahi, are responsible for the bombing of PanAm 103 ? Libya made three stipulations, when agreeing to hand over the two accused to the Scottish police: that they would not be interviewed by the police; no one else in Libya would be sought for the bombing; and, that the trial should be before three Scottish judges, sitting without a jury. On 5 April 1999, over a year ahead of the start of the trial, Megrahi and Fhimah arrived in the Nederlands. For orienteering talks in May and June 1999, Erwin Meister, Edwin Bollier and eng. Ulrich Lumpert (MEBO Ltd) come together with (Solicitor Duff and and his other attorneys at law) in the Principality of Liechtenstein. At the first meeting, a documentary video was presented, together with explanations of Meister & Bollier. The lawyers were convincingly showed that the MST-13 timer fragment (PT/35) that allegedly found in Lockerbie, was of a manipulated fragment of a MST-13 timer circuit board (Prototype) descended. Solicitor Alistair Duff and his lawyers were recommended from Edwin Bollier, that the forensic examination must be made by international specialists also on explosive powder trace. The fragment (PT/35) between the MST-13 timer supplied to Libya and the MST-13 timer prototype circuit board, have clearly different technical characteristics. Was Bolliers suggestion blowing in the wind, by solicitor Alistar Duff - from the beginning on - deliberate ? To date, in the meantime, the Scottish Justice (Prosecution side) also blocked a examination of the crucial piece of evidence. The official concerned to know why ! The MST-13 timer fragment (PT/35) by special expert to have them checked for 8 layers of fiberglass. The MST-13 timer circuit boards supplied to Libya, are fabricated from 9 layers of fiberglass. Scotland’s Shame... Reminder: FBI Spezial Agent Richard A. Marquise led the U.S. Task Force which included the FBI, Department of Justice and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - answered Gideon Levys question: G.L.: Would you have a case if you wouldnt have these evidence (MST-13 timer) ? R.M.: Would we have a case. It would be a very dificult case to prove. It would be a very dificult case to prove ... I dont think we would ever had an indictment. And he said also: But I can tell you that now money was paid to any witness, any witness prior to the trial. No promise of money was made to any witness prior to the trial. G.L.: And was there paid any money after he trial? R.M.: Im not gonna answer that. And he said: If someone manipulated evidence, if somebody didnt invesitgate something that should have been investigated, if somebody twisted it to fit up Megrahi or Fimah or Libya, then that person will go to jail. I mean that sincerely, that person should be prosecuted for that. by Edwin Bollier, MEBO Ltd. Telecommunication Switzerland. Webpage: lockerbie.ch
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 15:14:22 +0000

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