MJ AKBAR AS BJPS SPOKESMAN- TELLS A LOT ABOUT THE PARTYS INTELLECTUAL BANKRUPTCY The Bjp is committed to destroying itself and the hindu society it seems. Needing a Fake Secularist to be the spokesman of a Party that swears by Hindu Nationalism = admission of its Intellectual bankruptcy. A Party that sprouted from a mammoth Cadre based Organisation of Sangh and Jan Sangh has hit a new low -just when Hindu Nationalism as an ideal has managed to get the better of the entrenchment of Fake Secular sophistry. It is unable to find even a single spokesperson to match a M J Akbar. Unfortunately you see Khsuwant Singh who called Shivaji Maharj a bastard having departed, their choice is understandable- where can we go for such gems? Instead of amplifying its ideals and expanding the reach, by a Comparative analysis of Hinduism based Eternal values of sanatana dharma- as the way forward for India as well as the world. The Party now turns to the very same defeated ideologues of Fake Secularism and Nehruvian babble for its guidance and voice. This Party of Netas of mediocrity and self seekers have decided upon a course that is bound take them to heights of triumphs and predictable subsequent Disasters. The Leaders of BJP have clay feet- and shirked from battling the Intellectual Dictations of Secular false ideas and its insertions into National Psyche. The job was left to faceless intellectual kshatriyas and their key words. Now that as a result of these bright hindu minds (most of them are professionals surveys tell us) there is now a sea of Change in the way the Indian silent majority perceived the Hindu Nationalist with silly libels such as Gandhis killers and Communal forces. But the babus of BJP have no patience for deep thoughts. They need to en-cash it fast and gain approvals from the very same crowd of Fake Secular and here they go about mutual ego-stoking and reciprocal endorsements. With faint praise very committed Fake Secularists who have little sympathy or care two hoots for the dwindling Hindu numbers in their only homeland that is India- have now assumed the Voice of BJP. It will now tell us the best way to go forward. Not the Hindu ideologues-who you see are peripheral noise makers and impractical extremists according to this Nation first idea. The M J Akbars of the victorious BJP will now explain to you - how this Nation first must also needs Hindus to be last and later perhaps how the Nation first and last cannot accommodate only the Hindu. They are now into such rebuilding of a India that Shines- sans the accursed Hindu elements. The India of Jawaharlal Nehru that Sonia Gandhi failed to complete and Modis sircar and the BJP with MJ Akbars will deliver. Hindus can take it or leave it. Aron
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 08:16:48 +0000

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