MMD can bounce back in 2016-Nevers Mumba MMD can bounce back in - TopicsExpress


MMD can bounce back in 2016-Nevers Mumba MMD can bounce back in 2016-Nevers Mumba Time Posted: July 14, 2014 9:18 am MMD President Dr Nevers Mumba has charged that the former ruling party stands a good chance of bouncing back to power in 2016. Dr Mumba said the MMD can win the 2016 election because failure by the PF to deliver most of its campaign promises has worked in favour of the MMD. He said Zambia could emulate other African states such as neighbouring Malawi, Benin and Ghana where former ruling parties bounced back to power in the next election immediately after losing power. Dr Mumba said Zambians are now able to see the many achievements of the MMD when they compare it with the miserable record of the PF’s three year rule. He was speaking over the weekend when he flagged off the campaigns for the forthcoming August 19th 2014 Mangango parliamentary and several Local Government by-elections at Mpatamatu Sports Complex in Luanshya. Dr Mumba has called on MMD members on the Copperbelt to work hard and ensure that they mobilize the party and scoop the three local government by-elections lined up in the Province. Dr Mumba said it is imperative for the MMD to scoop the ward by elections on the Copperbelt due to the importance of the province to Zambia’s politics. “I have come here today because of the significance that the MMD has attached to the politics of the Copperbelt Province, we have three by elections and I want to flag off these elections and instruct our forces that come that day of voting, the MMD shall emerge victorious,” the MMD leader said. He said, “Don’t listen to those that are instilling fear in you that the MMD will never bounce back saying there is no political party that loses an election and bounces back. In MMD you have all the reasons to bounce back to power. Let me explain to you today because by now PF expected us to be totally disintegrated, three years after elections, very few parties survive after losing power.” “I want you to realize that we have been attacked from the front, from the back, from the rear, from the side that we are not coming back. They themselves are trying to comfort themselves by lying to themselves that we are not coming back.” He stated, “We are not going to be the only or the first party to come back to power after losing power, our friends in Malawi demonstrated just last month that a party can come out of power and return to power. In Ghana, the former ruling party came back, in Benin they said the former ruling party can’t come back, it came back, even here in Zambia, we are coming back,” Dr Mumba declared amid cheers and applause. He said the MMD must be strong and be vigilant, as it prepares to return to power. “We have endured so much pain, we have cried so much and we have been insulted and jailed. From the time we lost power, it has been too much, everyday it was Nevers arrested, our vehicles and our cars have been taken away and now we are saying enough is enough. Even a termite can bite if you push it.” Dr Mumba also lashed out at his critics for saying a Pastor cannot win a general election. “They are saying Nevers can’t win an election because he is broke, yes I’m not a millionaire and I’ve never prayed to God to make me a millionaire. I’m Ok with the way God made me. When you are buying mealie meal, I feel the way you feel the pain, when you are buying cooking oil, I feel the way you feel. Millionaires can’t even feel that way,” he said. “They are saying a Preacher man can’t win an election. Let me remind you, most of the key MMD members fled after losing elections as they were scared of the PF. No one was even shouting the Hour because of PF, when I arrived from Canada I found people hiding, I declared that Ni Donchi Kutina and I told Mr Sata that I will take him on and I did that I fought to save the MMD,” he said. “Don’t be scared of a human being. All the MMD regalia went into hiding, it was Pa Bwato throughout. I went and prayed to God that God please liberate your people and I declared the Donchi Kubeba slogan and our women started wearing the Chitenge again and we went round the country and galvanized the members and today they can challenge me that I’m a week candidate. Where were they when no one wanted to attack the PF”? And speaking in Masaiti’s Chinodo ward where he received an overwhelming welcome, Dr. Mumba said there are some individuals insisting that the MMD is a finished party but that people should ignore such people. Meanwhile, Copperbelt Province Acting Information and Publicity Secretary Peter Phiri said members of the party should ensure that they defend the party’s legacy as party had the blue print to all the infrastructure development that the ruling party officials keeps bragging about. “When everything is being constructed, there is a plan. You know the MMD colour is blue, so from now on tell them that the party that has the blue print is the MMD. All these roads, clinics, schools were our projects from the Chiluba days. In 1991, Dr Chiluba asked us to tighten our belts and asked us to sacrifice and we sacrificed for 10 years because UNIP had messed up the economy, one couldn’t even afford to drink a Coca Cola, Mr Phiri said”
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 07:57:00 +0000

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