MONDAY EPUSODE OF WLTFM EPISODE #92 Death Stalks the - TopicsExpress


MONDAY EPUSODE OF WLTFM EPISODE #92 Death Stalks the Arechiga’s Joaquin has just finished writing a suicide note at Pedro Medina’s request. He sobs. But he hides the pen he used to write the note and takes it with him. At the hospital, JL tells Angelica that he didn’t know that this situation was going to be this hard. She reminds him that when they got married the doctors did not give her much time and here she still is, without their ghastly treatments. JL wants Angelica to go ahead and have the treatments but Angie tells him that if he really loves her he will get her out of the hospital now. She wants to die at home in her bed in his arms. She refuses treatment. Jl gives the news to Amalia and admits he loves (amar) Angelica, mucho, muchisimo. Amalia hugs him, grateful, but very sad. Angelica wakes up and tells Amalia that she wants Jose Luis to take her to the prison to see her Dad. Amalia asks her why she would want to see him when he has treated her so badly but she reminds her Mom that Joaquin is her Dada and she loves him. Besides, he is speaking all kinds of lies and blaming Alejandro for things he didn’t do. She thinks if she speaks to her she can convince him to tell the truth. Angie also drops the bomb on her Mom that she bought the strip club, La Escondida, and that she danced there in a private dance for her husband. Amalia is shocked but secretly amused. Angie tells Amalia that JL is now in love with her. Big L love. It is very different than before. She thinks he loves her as much as she loves him. Houses of Living Death In the prison yard in the hot sun, Alejandro looks very fetching in his khaki prison duds. Naturally they have been tailored to fit his manly form. He looks FABULOUS. Joaquin Arechiga, not so much. As the prison guards escort Joaquin past Alejandro, even his paunch seems diminished. Alejandro can only think of one thing; did Arechiga change his mind about writing a letter that would clear Alejandro Almonte from charges of drug trafficking? Alejandro screams to Joaquin that he is innocent. Joaquin must write a letter that clears his name! Do not rob Alejandro of his life! Alejandro pounds the stone wall of the prison yard in frustration. Montserrat mopes at home and kisses her diamond engagement ring. Hey, we want to know; Did she get a second big rock since that first one was tainted by the Bad Love Bad Wedding? If I were her I would demand two; one for a backup. Fabiola comes into the room wearing a flattering vertically striped top. It is a little loose at the bottom, the better to conceal a flask, I suppose. She wants Don Benjamin’s will—so, sorry about the timing but Ale WAS going to give them to her in the day he was arrested. Montse looks utterly disgusted with Fabi and tells her that as soon as she can talk to Ale she will find out about the wills. Fabi who has a real problem with impulse control, wants the docs NOW but Montserrat doesn’t have the password, she will have to get it from Alejandro. Tia Carlota walks in, all chirrupy, full of vim and vigor after her energizing kiss with EZ Basurto— whom we know to be a low down, no-good sadist. She is introduced to Fabi. Fabi leaves the room and Gossip Girl Carlota tells Montse that Graciela thinks that Fabi came to town to get her share of the inheritance. Duh, Tia Carlota. No wonder you never got a job. She has been talking to EZ… Montse doesn’t want to hear anything EZ has to say. He arrested HER MAN. Tai points out that as Chief of Police that is his job but she assures Montse thatEZ has promised to help them. It is big bad Jose Luis who is making up the lies that will keep Alejandro in jail for the rest of his life. Blame it all on JL. Death Has A Name Speaking of the Devil, EZ is in El Presidente Municipal’s office, whinging that he has tried and tried (beaten and tortured) Samuel Barejas, but the bastard just will not sign a false confession implicating Almonte. He is going to have to put him back in prison. Pedro verbally assaults EZ and tells him that he is an idiot. EZ has to keep Barejas isolated in prison. He cannot be allowed to come into contact with Alejandro. Jail In jail, Ale demands to talk to the man in the next cell. Joaquin Arechiga is apparently reading Les Miserables. He ignores Alejandro. He wants to finish the book before the lights go out. Ale postulates his theory of Joaquin’s frame of Alejandro—Pedro Medina is behind all of it. Pedro wanted those lands and put Joaquin up to his dirty work. Is he wrong, shouts Ale? Joaquin steps up to the bars and tells Alejandro that he HIGHLY recommends that Ale read the book. It will give him something to do while he is in prison. The lights go out in the jail. Joaquin says he is glad he finished the book before the lights went out. He is tired, he is going to sleep. Alejandro drops down on his bunk to sleep. Alejandro has a dreadful nightmare. In the dream Jose Luis comes to him and says that Angelica died and that it was for the best. Jose Luis can do nothing for him now. He has been sentenced to 40 years in a maximum security facility. Jose Luis taunts him that now that he is alone and Montse is alone, his place is at her side. He will love her, etc. Montse has the right to move on. Ale is helpless and his big WHITE teeth take up most of the screen as he screams and swears at Jose Luis. JL points out that it would be stupid for him to help Ale. Alejandro screams. “No te robes mi vida!” Alejandro is haunted by visions of Montse kissing JL and finally, the specter of Don Lauro Mendoza comes to tell Ale that he is NOT innocent—he caused Don Lauro’s death. Alejandro wakes up in a cold sweat. He looks into the cell next door, only to see that Joaquin Arechiga, his last hope, has hanged himself in the night. Outside, in the jail waiting room Montse and Rosario are turned away one again, prevented from visiting Alejandro. Angie is let out of the hospital and she wants to go to the jail to see her Dad, immediately. Reluctantly, JL agrees. At the navy base Refugio takes Dimitrio out of a shipyards class to task him to find a way to get into see Alejandro. Even his lawyer cannot see him. Jail – Death Leaves A Message Angie and JL arrive at the jail and ask to see Joaquin Arechiga, her father. The idiot behind the desk tells them that they cannot see Joaquin because he committed suicide in the night. Angelica is hysterical and JL tries to calm her down. Joaquin’s jail cell is left open and the prisoners are ordered to go outside. Ale stays behind and takes the copy of Les Miserables. Inside he finds a note, left by Joaquin, asking that Ale do nothing with this information until he is sure that Joaquin’s family is safe. Joaquin confesses all in the note and says that he and Pedro have been business partners in drug trafficking for years. That is how Pedro made the money to finance his political campaigns. They set an innocent Alejandro up. Joaquin ends his letter with, God Help Me. Upstairs, The Devils Office Pedro gets a call from the warden of the prison to tell him that Joaquin is dead. They found no suicide note. EZ Basurto remarks with a chuckle that he cannot believe that Joaquin actually killed himself. Pedro the monomaniac is not amused; Joaquin was just Following one of his orders. EZ points out that not every order gets followed and a menacing Pedro gets up and gets in his face with, Pedro - “Just what are you saying? That you would disobey one of my orders?” EZ - “No, of course not. The day I became Chief of Police I promised you I would always obey your orders to the letter!” Pedro – “Prove it.” He hands EZ a gun. EZ – “You are not serious…” Pedro – “of course I am serious. Take that gun point it at your head. Pull the trigger. That is an order.” EZ protests. Pedro yells. “Leave your badge here with me and get out of my office! You are fired!” EZ picks up the gun, points it at his temple, and pulls the trigger. He is shaking and weeping. The gun does not fire. Pedro takes the gun from him and remarks playfully, “Well that is strange! I thought I loaded that gun this morning.” He laughs. “Let his be a lesson to you Ezekiel. To me, your life has no value. Now get out. Oh, by the way, call Fofito and tell him to release the girl. He doesn’t need to keep her anymore.” Adolfo’s Family Hacienda Virginia wakes up. She is hung over but is concerned that her mom must be very worried. Adolfo takes her back to Aguazul. Yes, her Mom is pacing with worry at Angelica’s house. Esme is there and offers to make Amalia a soothing cup of tea. But Amalia is at her wits end. Virginia did not come home last night and she does not know where she is! Esme hopes she is with a friend or with Montserrat. Amalia hope sshe is NOT with Dimitrio. All he did was scam the girl. Esme agrees that Dim hurt her as well. Amalia offers Esme a sincere apology for misjudging her from the beginning of their acquaintance. Esme has been a good friend to her daughter Angelica. Esme replies that she loves Angie. Amalia worries about how Joaquin will be with Angelica. If he does not treat her right, he will never hear the end of it! Angelica comes in with her husband, looking ragged and stunned. She tells her mother that Joaquin, her father and Amalia’s husband, committed suicide in the night. Macario Cannot Shut Up Fabi is sporting a new hat as she walks on the beach in the morning. She runs into Macario and they gossip. Montse and Rosario can’t get into the jail to see Alejandro. What is Rosario’s personal history and why was she once a servant in the house? She spent 30 years in jail. Macario cannot shut himself up and he gives Fabi more family news to ponder. Dimitrio comes to pay Montserrat a call and he meets Fabi. Fabi flatters him, “After meeting Montserrat and your mother I can see why you are so handsome.” Fabi flirts with Dim and says that all the good men are taken. She hopes that Dim’s wife is not the jealous type; she would like to be friends with Dimitrio. Dim tells Montes that he joined the Navy and Montserrat is thrilled. They leave for a private word and Fabi listens at the door. Dim says that he is going to see Alejandro and warn him. Death Eavesdrops At Jose Luis and Angelica’s House Angelica is asleep after Jl sedated her. Amalia thinks she should go back to the hospital but JL says that these are Angelica’s last days but while she lives they are going to support her. Amalia weeps. Fofito drops Virginia off in front of Angie’s house. When she goes in, Amalia yells at her for being reckless, but she is very glad to see her missing daughter. Amalia tells Virginia that she must be very, very strong. Angelica is very ill, she does not have much time left but she also needs to know that her father died last night. Virginia is inconsolable. And no wonder. Bad news travels fast. Carlota gets to Montserrat’s house to give the same news to Montse and Rosario. Joaquin Arechiga is dead. He did not clear Alejandro’s name. and he may have left a suicide note blaming Ale for all of his problems. This is not a very suspenseful moment as we know that Joaquins FINAL note cleared Alejandro of all wrongdoing.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 14:50:14 +0000

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