MONDAY MUSINGS BY WANGECHI KURIA HEAL THY HEART, LIVE TO THE FULLEST. One of my favorite quote is by Alexander the Pope “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” Forgiveness is the act of cessation of ongoing negative patterns such as: anger, pain, hurts, resentiments and bitterness towards those who have hurt you or yourself. The negative feelings overwhelm us and we feel like we are drowning in our own negativity, they feed on and drain any energy in us creating an ever widening circle of despair. However, the good news is that, you can break free from the emotions by finding the place of forgiveness in yourself that allows you to move through the pain and hurts. When we forgive we release anger and give ourselves permission to be happy. Happiness is a natural state of being which is brought about by being at peace with our surroundings and ourselves. The harsh reality of life is people will always be harsh, cruel, mean, rude and self-absorbed and you cannot control it. Thus in day today activities many will hurt you, many will step on your toes and a lot more will betray you and your trust. Nevertheless, the ultimate decision not to hold on to this pains and live a fulfilling life lies with you, you can shake it off and move on or you can hold on to it and take it to the grave which is a wasted opportunity to enjoy life. More often than not people assign religious connotations and the necessity to conform to social standards and protocols to forgiveness making it a set of rules. The truth is, forgiveness is an inner truth of the heart that brings transcending peace in to our lives. It is the golden key to the paradise of true happiness, maximum engagements thus full productivity. It is a powerful act that sets us free from the ghosts in our past and allows us to step firmly in the present as we focus in the future. It is also crucial to note that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness: it is an act of maturity, bravely, intelligence; and most importantly it is direct connection to your heart. In essence it is love in itself. Lewis B.Smedes says this about forgiveness “If we say that monsters (people who do evil) are beyond forgiveness we give them the power that they should not have…..the power to keep their evils alive in the hearts of those who suffered most. We give them the power to condemn the victims to live forever with hurting memories of their painful pasts. We give the monsters the last word.” Lovely week full of forgiveness and letting go.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:30:00 +0000

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